
Sunday, 7 December 2008

Club photo shoot at the Mark Coutts Studio

Seven members of the club recently visited Mark Coutt's Studio near Blandford. We were shown, under his skilled instruction and with assistance from Alison, some of the studio techniques, lighting set-ups etc and introduced our model - Rachael.
Rachael is one of Mark's resident models and we settled into the converted stableblock with much banter, humour and a very generous finger buffet and drinks.

All this relaxed both us, and especially Rachael, who didn't flinch or hold back on the poses that either Mark or we asked of her.

Technical difficulties were easily overcome and Mark went through some of the issues that both photographers and models go through on a shoot where, in particular, time is money - having a clear idea of what sort of images you want, getting a rapport going with model and making it fun, but efficient too. She (he) will be as anxious as you are to get the shots you want - they want to be booked again.

We all had a great experience and an enjoyable and informative evening.

Thanks to Mark for inviting us and for Tony for arranging it.

Do check out markcouttsphotography.
Photos & Text: Tim Kidner