
Friday, 17 August 2018

RPS News No 74

eRPS no.74
The enewsletter from The Royal Photographic Society
eRPS is published monthly
To submit material to be considered for inclusion
click here
Corporate Patrons
Our corporate patrons listed below support our many activities. Please mention us when contacting them.
The RPS Journal is available
as a members-only download
from The RPS website from
the 1st of each month.
Members logged in to the website can also download recent back copies or read an ISSUU version. Click here to see more.
Closing soon
Selected events, competitions and activities from the website.
EEF Manufacturing Photography Competition. Closes: 30th September 2018

Member Roger Hooper at Oxo Tower Wharf. Closes: 19th August 2018. Location: London
Member Greg Bos exhibition at the Barbican Library. Closes: 25th August 2018. Location: London
Killed Negatives. Closes: 26th August 2018. Location: London
Cindy Sherman. Closes: 1st September 2018. Location: London
Dorothea Lange and Vanessa Winship at the Barbican. Closes: 2nd September 2018. Location: London
Karen Knorr. Closes: 9th September 2018. Location: Lacock
Magnum Swaps: David Hurn’s Collection.Closes: 15th September 2018. Location: Bristol
30 Years in 30 Photos. Closes: 15th September 2018. Location: Caen, France

Unseen. Open: 21st-23rd September 2018. Location: Amsterdam

Chris Packham illustrated talk. 15th September 2018. Location: Edinburgh
Wildlife lecture tours by three acclaimed cameramen. Until the end of November. Location: various.
Call for entries: Heat
Closing date: 31 August 2018
Heat is the focus for the August competition – a representation of heat can be from sunshine, fire, or the feeling of being hot. This month's theme is open for interpretation in many ways.

Open to all RPS members, at all levels of photographic ability, enter for a chance to feature in the RPS Journal.
For file size and entry details see online.
Image: © Kim Burrows. Starfish. 
An exciting RPS initiative, to find one hundred photographic heroines, has launched in a fanfare of publicity and overwhelming support on social media.  For the centenary anniversary of women’s suffrage, #HundredHeroines is celebrating the contribution of women and redefining their status in contemporary photography.  Read more and nominate here.
MASTERCLASS: Be Yourself with Bruce Gilden, presented by The RPS
Bristol, 12-16 November 2018
Bruce Gilden brings to his master class his unique style of street photography which has truly become his own over the past 40 years of working in New York City and other urban areas, both in the United States and abroad. During this workshop Bruce will work with students to teach them how to improve their pictures shot in the streets by best identifying their working 'style' for street photography, and define their personal vision.  Find out more and book a place here
TIME-LAPSE: Can you help?
Do you have experience in documenting the fitting-out of a building by time-lapse photography? As the work on the Society's new headquarters in Bristol begins we would like to find a member who would be interested in documenting this between September and December using time-lapse. If you're interested in learning more email Michael Pritchard or call 01225 325730. 
The Society's recently formed Women in Photographyspecial interest group has a number of events coming up which include: 
31st August - Hummingbird Day
For many of us on this date every year our thoughts will turn to Princess Diana; for Denise Wozniak, August 31st was the day in 1994 that her baby daughter Katie died from AIDS.  Denise has been nominated as one of the RPS Hundred Heroines because of her courage in using photography to overcome depression and post-traumatic stress following this personal tragedy.

Among Denise’s many heroinic deeds is encouraging people to be creative on 31st August, which she has called Hummingbird Day (to find out why, listen to her TEDx talk

We’re thrilled that Denise has joined both the Society and the Women in Photography group, so this year we are making 31st August our own Hummingbird Day.  We will be asking people to be creative and to (re)discover beauty in the world by taking an image on the day that they feel is beautiful, and uploading it to Instagram using the hashtag RPS_Hummingbird_Day.  The image doesn’t have to be objectively beautiful as long as it is beautiful to the photographer - an old and comfy pair of slippers can be as lovely as a rose in the eye of the beholder!  Find out more here.

3 October - Inaugural Lecture
Our Honorary Chair Karen Knorr FRPS will give inaugural lecture for the Women in Photography SIG followed by a panel discussion. The event will take place between 2-5pm at the London College of Communication (part of the University of the Arts).  Book here.  
Image: © Karen Knorr FRPS
MEMBER OFFER: Zoner Photo Studio X
Three months free trial
Zoner Photo Studion X will help you with your photos. In this software, you can repair fundamental photo problems in just one click, and do advanced edits with layers and a one-of-a-kind retouching brush.

The RPS with Zoner offers you exclusive three months free trial of ZPS X. Just download your ZPS X here.
RPS IPE 160 TOUR: Final venue

16 June-26 September 2018 at the Royal United Hospital, Combe Park, Bath, BA1 3NG

The RUH is the final venue in the IPE 160 exhibition's year-long national tour. With 100 stunning photographs by 64 photographers from across the globe, the exhibition reflects the breadth and aesthetics of the photographic medium today and brings together work from student, amateur and professional photographers.

Visit the IPE 160 in the RUH’s central corridor, open 24/7, until 26 September. Free, no booking required. See more here.

The IPE 160 is kindly supported by theprintspace.

Image © Andrea Zvadova, Pigment 1
MASTERCLASS: Powerful Portraits with Brian Griffin HonFRPS presented by The RPS
London, 8-9 November 2018
This two-day practical workshop offers a rare opportunity to work alongside one of Britain’s most influential portrait photographers in a studio setting. Find out more and book here
MEMBER OFFER: Datacolor®, colour management eBook for photographers and videographers.
‘Spyder5 eBook: Color management can be easy’ is a six-chapter guide providing practical advice to help any photographer or videographer understand colour management, from the basics to the advanced. Chapters will be published in three-week intervals and sent to readers once they have registered online. Those who download the
eBook will also receive 20% off the Spyder5Pro and Spyder5Elite.

The first chapter is now available for download from the Datacolor website here.
PUBLICATION: Selling Art Online 2018
Free book 
Selling Art Online 2018 is the free book from our partners at creativehub that brings together ten years experience at the forefront of the fine art and photographic print industry with their pioneering online art sales solution, creativehub, to form the first comprehensive guide to a successful online art sales strategy. 
To order the free 84-page booklet and for all other details on the creativehub art sales solution please cllick here.
WORKSHOP: Portrait Encounters
Bath, 11-14 September 2018
In this four-day masterclass workshop, RPS member Jon Tonks and Roman Franc will share their experience and knowledge of portrait photography. They'll lead you in a series of practical portrait exercises in the city of Bath, culminating in a collective pop-up exhibition at the end of the workshop. Find out more here
EXHIBITION: Pottery by John Durham ARPS
Farnham: 3 September-14 October
In 1976 I spent time photographing a working pottery, I have recently scanned the negatives and printed 50 which will be exhibited at the Farnham Pottery.  Most of these images have not been seen before. 
The Farnham Pottery, Quennells Hill, Wrecclesham, Farnham, Surrey, GU10 4ND.
EXHIBITION: Earth, Sand & Stone
Bexley, 10 August-9 September, 1000-1700
In this selection of his landscape photographs, Paul Foley FRPS responds to the quiet, the minimal, and elements within the land that make a visual design statement. Every image reflects the intellectual honesty and visual simplicity of his photography, through which we are invited to share a little of his intimate vision of the world.
Stables Gallery, Hall Place & Gardens, Bourne Road, Bexley, DA5 1PQ
EXHIBITION: Bracknell Camera Club 2018

Bracknell - 20-23 September, 2018

This exhibition takes place in The Lexicon, Princess Square, Bracknell (next to Coffee Republic), RG12 1HA from 10 am until 4 pm (Sunday 11am – 2 pm). Entrance is free to see outstanding images covering many genres from club members many of whom hold RPS distinctions.

Image © Caroline Colegate ARPS. Intertwined.