
Sunday, 5 April 2009


We are fortunate to have Les Lloyd join the Council and he is already working with Trevor to redesign our website. You will see the front page is very different than previously and we have many good ideas for improving on the old website. Please take time to visit the new site and see how it is developing I would like to say this is in development stage and you will see if you visit the site regularly that it is being phased with all new information in the new format but with the old information still available in the old format, the new site is being built in parallel to the old site which we hope to switch off in a few weeks time, so I ask you to be patient, but to let our secretary have your comments on what you see and any content that you would like added, such as a club exhibition or major event.
We will also be having a gallery of images included within the site and will display winners of the League and Championships so you may even see one of your images on the site at some point. We are also considering including a small ads section, if there is enough interest for people wanting to sell equipment.
The new site will be very easy to navigate and we hope you will all use it a lot more to find out the information including; Club Reps meetings, competitions, Newsletter and also what events are happening around our region.
Don't forget all our sponsors are advertising on the website do please use them and let them know where you saw their advert - the money generated from these sponsors directly works to keep your subscriptions lower.
Look forward to seeing many of you at our next event - Finals Day,
Lynn Lambeth, President.

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