
Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Wanted - homeowners with a passion for saving energy

In an exciting new initiative, Wiltshire Council is aiming to work with a small number of homeowners in the county to show that existing homes can achieve a significant reduction in the carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.

Wiltshire Council has been successful in its bid for funding under the Target 2050 scheme. Under the scheme the selected homes will receive an in-depth energy use survey, after which an individual action plan for reducing emissions will be drawn up. Owners will get expert advice for one year to support them in carrying out their action plan.

The scheme takes its name from the government target to reduce the UK's carbon emissions by 80% by the year 2050. The homeowners taking part in Target 2050 will be selected to represent the range of homes and households in Wiltshire and will ideally be spread across the county. There are no restrictions on the types of property that will be considered, even listed buildings are eligible for consideration.

The participating households will be asked to monitor their energy use for up to two years to demonstrate the savings they achieve. Alongside the energy saving measures installed in their homes, which may be part funded through the scheme, the households will be encouraged to examine their everyday habits and choices to see how they can help to reduce the carbon footprint further. These households will also be expected to become case studies to inspire other local householders to take action.

"This is a big challenge," says Cllr John Brady , Portfolio Holder for Housing. "We are looking for people who are serious about reducing their carbon footprint and willing to be advocates for positive action on climate change within their community.”

Anyone interested in joining Target 2050 should call the Energy Saving Trust Advice Centre free on 0800 512 012 or e-mail as soon as possible for more information and an application form. Applications will need to be submitted by the end of January 2010. All applicants will be notified, successful or otherwise, by February 2010. The Energy Saving Trust is a non-profit organisation that provides free and impartial advice to help you save energy and money, for more information please visit or call 0800 512 012.

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