
Monday, 13 September 2010

Re Devizes CC Event

Devizes Camera Club are delighted to welcome for the 2010 Arc Theatre presentation the well known travel writer and photographer John Pilkington with his new presentation ‘A Stroll through the Axis of Evil’. John comes highly recommended and this promises to be a fascinating and highly rewarding evening

The attached poster gives more details, or visit our new website,uk  Tickets are now on sale at £10 each and I would strongly recommend booking early since we are limited to 150 places for this event

To reserve your places please email myself in the first instance. Bookings will then need to be confirmed by sending to me (10 Collett Way Frome BA11 2XR) a cheque payable to Devizes Camera Club for the full amount of the ticket value, together with an SAE for the return of your tickets

I look forward to welcoming you to the Arc Theatre on 6th November


Frank Collins


Devizes Camera Club


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