Morning: "FAMOUS FOR FIVE MINUTES ... or ten or fifteen!"
This is your chance for all attendees (whether RPS/DIG members or not) to hold the attention of the meeting for 5 to 15 minutes with whatever subject they think will interest the members in the Digital Imaging field. . it's up to you! No need for a prepared talk (unless you want to). If you have not already indicated your willingness to contribute, please contact Roger Norton with a title and a one sentence description.
An informal discussion lead by Roger Norton and Alan Cross to delve a little deeper into the interpretation of the results from the test prints from Mike McNamee's excellent presentation last September. Please bring your test charts with you or collect them at the meeting if you haven't already done so. If you have made any improvements or changes to your printing set-up, you might like to bring a new test chart for visual comparison. Mike's 'control' print will be available for comparison.
followed by: "YOUR PRINT WORKSHOP"
This informal 'prints around the hall' workshop is designed for you to get feedback on, or simply show off, your prints. If you can bring your image(s) on a memory stick (ideally JPEG 1024x768 sRGB), we may also be able to arrange projection for group discussion.
For further details on each of these topics, please see our website ( ). The meeting will be held at the usual location, Coopers Hill Community Centre, Bracknell, and doors open at 10 am for 10.30. Don't forget your pack lunch.
As usual, we advise booking your place at this meeting. Cost: Season Ticket holders FREE, otherwise £5.00 for members of the RPS Digital Imaging Group; £10.00 for all others. Why not buy a 2011 Season Ticket and pay no more for the whole year? Details via the booking page on our web site.
Doors open at 10 am for 10.30 and free refreshments will be available. Don't forget your pack lunch.
Further information at
Further information at www.rpsdig-thamesvalley.
Best wishes from me and the committee for 2011.
Roger Norton
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