
Monday, 24 October 2011

David Noton Talk, Devizes

This is just a reminder of the presentation being given by David Noton - the renowned landscape and travel photographer - at the Arc Theatre, Trowbridge on Wednesday 16th November 2011. The presentation is entitled 'Chasing the Light' and a brief outline is shown below.

We have sold just over 80% of the tickets, so, if you are interested, it is suggested that you apply for tickets as soon as possible. It is sure to be a great evening and one not to be missed, especially as David's talks are few and far between.

If you have already applied for tickets then I thank you for your support and apologise for sending this e-mail

Here’s a rough outline.

The evening starts at 7.30 pm. The first half lasts about an hour, then a break for an interval, about 15-20 mins and then another 1 hour for second half till close. There’s plenty of opportunity for the audience to ask questions as part of the evening and David is also around during the interval and at the end to meet people,

The Roadshow is about David Noton sharing with the viewer how a landscape and travel photographer uses their eyes. It includes landscape, portraiture, street scenes and satellite imagery from around the world as well as in the field advice and photography tips.

He shares the highs and lows of being in the field and ‘explores’ pushing the boundaries to encourage experimentation with our own photography either as snappers on holiday or budding developing photographers.

The presentation has evolved from a photographer standing by a projector into a full audio/visual experience with high definition projection, music, video clips, practical technical backgrounds and travel anecdotes with David’s renowned sense of humour.

Wendy Noton will also be available where she will bring a selection of cards, the books and DVD’s for sale. She’ll also be available to answer any questions about workshops or David’s photography.

Best wishes,
Clive Rathband
01249 657309
07855 519072

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