
Monday, 20 August 2012

SPF News Update August 2012

So here we are in the middle of ( occasional!) summer, when most clubs will have ceased activity until the new season starts.   Looking ahead to that, a lot of things have been happening, changes are afoot, and there are important dates that all clubs need to be aware of, especially some early deadlines.
 Most of these items are covered in detail on the SPF Web-site which is now in the hands of Ken Scott.  Ken has taken over this from Steve Kirkby who stepped down after a few years of doing a brilliant job. 
Firstly, some important things from the AGM.  Our new President is Glyn Edmunds. Terri Neil-Griffin, after her splendid two years as President, has taken on responsibility for the Leagues, and the post of Treasurer, vacant at the time of the AGM, has since been taken on by Keith Berry.  The full Council membership can be seen at
There is an important change of date for the next Quarterly Reps meeting / EGM.  This will now be on Tuesday 9th October.  One of the items to be discussed is a new format for the Reps meetings where it is suggested we have fewer meetings but on a weekend day with a wider agenda of items including perhaps talks, demonstrations etc.  We need all clubs to be considering ideas for this in advance of the EGM so that we have some solid proposals to discuss / agree at the EGM.
The new Judging Workshops being run by Ken Scott are now in full swing. There are still a few vacancies for the next workshops; see the details on 
The new League Season will be kicking off in October. all participating clubs need to have their entries ( Print title plus PDI images) submitted by Sunday October 7th. As voted for at the AGM, titles will now be read out before images are judged, so if you are one of those who feel that titles can influence the judge, get your creative hats on! Click on for all details.
An early deadline to be aware of is for potential entries for the PAGB PDI Exhibition.  Lynn Lambert needs your submissions for consideration by 16th September.  See details on the main web-site page
The first big event of the new season will be the inaugural Digital AV Champoionships, being held on 28th October. All the details are just a click away on The deadline for entries is 7th October. If you club has not previously been into AVs, now is the chance to try your hand and learn from participating in the Championships.
Many clubs are holding exhibitions during the summer recess.  The SPF Web-site is a great place to advertise your club's exhibition or other event ( free!) and likewise is a good source to see what's happening around the federation's area.
There are lots of other things to read about on the web-site, including details of the 12 photographers from our Federation who have successfully attained FIAP Distinctions,  so do make regular visits to make sure you are up-to-date.
Finally to repeat a plea from the AGM.  This is the time of year when many clubs have changes in their committees, officers etc.  Keeping track of these changes is quite hard work for the various SPF officers who need to maintain current e-mail data-bases, and if there are any errors or omissions in these then vital communications can go adrift. 
What would really help would be if every club which has a web-site adopted generic e-mail addresses such as, treasurer @..... etc . Once set up, these addresses can be set to direct mail to the personal address of the appropriate person in the club; then when a change happens all that is needed is for the club to update that link internally while SPF and other external contacts continue to use the generic address.    At the present time just 14 out of 63 clubs are using generic addresses so there's plenty of room for this to be improved!!
I Hope you all enjoy what's left of the summer, getting lots of great images in the bag for next season.
John Hodge
SPF Council member

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