
Tuesday, 25 December 2012

A Photographer's Lot

All set on Auto
with a camera that's astute
happy go lucky
with a simple
point and shoot -
Nothing to concern me
in the faintest bit
just zoom in….zoom out
compose the shot and 'click'
Got it in the bag
or NOT as it may be
a halo or a flare
or something odd I didn't see
Chromatic aberration
Focal range
Horizon all askew
Depth of field - very strange
Change of angle
if I dangle from
a different point of view….
Where’s my trusty tripod?
I haven’t got a clue!
Hand-held fast and slick
might just do the trick….but
another bites the dust
that Photoshop must fix!
Levels and curves
so this most amazing shot
draws the 'oohs' and 'aahhs' that it deserves!
But now I'm getting critical
the more that I explore
my camera potential
it opens up a door
take a new direction
gain more control
push boundaries and parameters
set challenges and goals
Wide Angle even Stitch
Macro detail -
shows the slightest glitch
aperture v shutter speed?
manual choices
select just what I need
it takes some
juggling to learn about what's what!
In all the confusion
one thing is crystal clear -
I'm pleased as Punch
that come the crunch
Camera Club is here!

Happy Christmas to everyone and how about shooting from the hip in the New Year!

Monday, 24 December 2012

Bryce Bayer

From the Daily Telegraph
Bryce Bayer
Bryce Bayer, who has died aged 83, was a research scientist with Kodak whose invention of a colour filter array enabled digital imaging sensors to capture colour; patented in 1976, his Bayer filter is incorporated into nearly every digital camera, camcorder and smartphone sold today.

Bayer: lives on in every smartphone

7:11PM GMT 21 Dec 2012
A digital camera uses a silicon chip sensor consisting of an array of millions of tiny light cavities, or “pixels”, to record an image. When a photograph is taken, each of these is uncovered to collect and store photons. The relative quantity of photons in each cavity is then sorted into various intensity levels. The trouble for scientists working on developing digital technology was that these light cavities are naturally colour-blind. Each of their millions of tiny photosensitive elements measures only the intensity of incoming light, not its wavelength — or colour.
Bayer had the elegant idea of arranging a series of microscopic red, blue and green colour filters into a chequerboard pattern over the sensor. Mimicking the way the human eye perceives colour, he included twice as many green as red and blue filters (the human eye has a higher sensitivity to green light). Due to the filter each pixel measures only one colour. The extent to which the camera then needs to adjust the raw data coming from a particular pixel to include the two other colours is then estimated using the eight surrounding pixels — a technique called Bayer “demosaicing”, or Bayer to RGB (red, green and blue) Conversion.
Bayer’s work helped pave the way for the development in 1977 (by two other Kodak researchers) of the first working digital camera. The camera was a black-and-white device that later incorporated the Bayer filter.
The alternative to the Bayer single-sensor filter would have required three separate sensors attached to a colour beam splitter — a solution that would have been cumbersome and expensive. The advantages of the Bayer filter included its relatively low cost and the fact that it enabled the development of smaller, sleeker digital devices.
Bryce Edward Bayer was born in Portland, Maine, on August 15 1929 and was fascinated by photography from an early age; at Deering High School, Portland, he spent much of his time in the school darkroom and processed all the photographs for his school yearbook.
After taking a degree in Engineering Physics at the University of Maine, in 1951 he began his career as a research scientist with Eastman Kodak in Rochester, New York State, and remained with the firm until his retirement in the mid-1990s. He took a Master’s degree in Industrial Statistics from the University of Rochester in 1960 and, as well as the Bayer Filter, developed processes for storing, improving and printing digital images.

In 2009 the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain presented Bayer with its Progress Award. Earlier this year he was awarded the first Camera Origination and Imaging Medal from the American Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers.

He married, in 1954, Joan Fitzgerald, a fellow researcher at Kodak, who survives him with their daughter and two sons.
Bryce Bayer, born August 15 1929, died November 13 2012

Southern Photographic Federation Newsletter December 2012

The final Newsletter of the year….how time flies! A little later than planned as I have had a total crash of my PC requiring a full recovery and reloading of all my programs (work in progress ! ).. fortunately I had all my data backed up so have not lost any. I can’t emphasise too much how important it is to back-up regularly; if you don’t already do this, make it a New Year resolution !

Now to SPF matters. The annual Exhibition opens in Salisbury Library with the Preview Evening on Friday 4th January at 6.30 pm, then runs until Saturday 26th January. Click on to get the details on the SPF Web page. As usual, help is needed in both hanging and taking down the Exhibition. Because this year we are mounting all the prints in frames, two days ( 2nd and 3rd Jan) have been set aside to mount the exhibition, starting at 10.00 am. Help is also needed with stewarding the Exhibition; anything from an hour to a day would be great. If you can help with any of this please get in touch with George Walsh using the above link. This Exhibition is supported by a splendid full-colour Catalogue, with at least one image from every exhibiting club, so this will really enhance your visit !

The last Newsletter had a couple of incorrect dates for SPF Reps’ meetings…apologies from me. The agreed meetings were November and February (mid-week) and May ( week-end all-day meeting). Since then a complication has arisen, as we find that we already have a very full calendar of week-ends in May 2013 and it would be unreasonable to expect people to turn out three week-ends in a row. Accordingly it has been decided that the AGM will revert to an evening meeting on Wednesday 29th May,. and the new arrangements as voted for by the Reps will come into effect in 2014.

The PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit seem to be gaining in popularity; entry for next April is already full, and the November event will shortly be open for entries. Our Federation will be hosting the Awards in 2014, and in anticipation of this an Awards Workshop has been planned for Sunday 19th May 2013. Anyone thinking of applying for an Award would benefit greatly from attending the workshop, where you will be able to see examples of successful images from previous events, and also have your own work evaluated by, and get good advice from experienced APM judges. 

Full details of the recent AV Championships are now posted on the Web site . For details click on

The next date for print box orders will be posted on the Web site in the New Year. In future the ½” sizes will not be available, but this still leaves a large range of sizes. Keep an eye on to check on the date.

An important date for judges is 17th March, when a Level 2/3 Judging Workshop will be held. Details are available on

Already we need to be preparing for next year’s PAGB Print Exhibition ! Lynn Lambeth is asking everyone to put forward prints for consideration. Clubs can hand these in at the February Reps’ meeting. Images can also be handed in at the Print Championships in March, or up to the end of March you can hand them to any members of the SPF Council who belong to or who visit your club.

Next year sees the 50th Anniversary of the SPF’s foundation. Hopefully there has been some debate and discussion within your club as to appropriate ways to recognise this; the Council are looking for good feedback via the Club Reps. One thing which the Council is proposing ( subject to approval by the Clubs at the AGM) is that we should change the name of the Federation. There is a practical reason for this in that there is an unfortunate clash of abbreviations with the Scottish Photographic Federation, which was the SPF before our Federation was formed. We often have to be referred to as SF to avoid confusion. What is now proposed is that we change to Southern Counties Photographic Federation (SCPF), bringing us into line with a number of other Federations. We’d be interested in any feedback on this proposal which no doubt will be discussed at the February Reps’ meeting.

Southern Federation Print and PDI Championships will be held on Sunday 24th March 2013 at Knowle Hall, Fareham. Please read this important information regarding this competition:
In order to attract more entries and have a full and exciting day the Council have decided to have two sections:
The Open competition will be 15 images; it is anticipated that the clubs with a large number of members actively participating in competitions will enter this section. The top two clubs will be invited to represent the Federation at Warwick (PDI’s) and Connah’s Quay (Prints)
The Small Clubs competition will be 10 images; it is anticipated that the clubs with a smaller number of members actively participating in competitions will enter this section.
It will be up to clubs to choose which competition they feel their club best fits into.
The rules will be updated to reflect these changes and put on the web shortly after the Christmas period.

The Federation are also urgently looking for a club to organise this competition on the day (We do have someone to operate the projector / run the laptop). Please get in touch with Glyn Edmunds if you are willing to do this or if you require further information on what is involved.
The Judges for this competition will be : Roger Force FRPS DPAGB APAGB, Clive Tanner FRPS and Richard Walton FRPS EFIAP MPAGB. All three travel to us from the Kent Federation (KCPA)

That’s it till next year..... so here’s best wishes to you all from the Council for a great Christmas and New Year.
John Hodge

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

20th Jan RPS Digital Group - Janey Devine FRPS

The 43rd Annual SF Exhibition at Salisbury Library

All Club Members are welcome to see the Preview of the SPF Exhibition at the Library.
Preview: 6:30pm, Friday 4th January (Please note the earlier start.)
Exhibition: Saturday the 5th to Saturday the 26th January 2013.
Clubs should also note that the Southern Fed has purchased aluminium frames which will greatly improve the presentation of the exhibition and the reduce the chance of damage to the prints. This means that all prints submitted must be 50cm by 40cm otherwise they cannot be hung in the exhibition.
We are always in need of help to put up and take down the exhibition and also to act as stewards throughout the run. If you are able to assist please contact 

Friday, 14 December 2012

The Societies' Convention and Trade Show - a warm invitation to all

Dear Salisbury Camera Club

We would like to invite all members of Salisbury Camera Club to attend The
Convention and Trade Show taking place in London.

Convention: 8-14 January 2013
Trade Show: 11-13 January 2013

The Convention and Trade Show which is now in it's 11th year, has moved to a
larger venue at the Hilton London Metropole Hotel, Edgware Road, London and
we are confident that attendees will enjoy the additional benefits and
services available.

The Convention offers a broad range of educational opportunities from
Masterclasses to full-day workshops and location shoots, presented by
leading internationally recognised presenters, all of whom have been in the
photography business for countless years.

The Trade Show includes some of the biggest names in the photographic world,
with many new and innovative products and services on display. Trade Show
attendance is free providing the booking is made before 24 December 2012.

Full details can be found on our web site

Please share this information with all of those who are interested in

We look forward to seeing you and members of Salisbury Camera Club at the

Yours faithfully
Phil Jones - CEO The Societies

Thursday, 13 December 2012

PAGB News No 81

Please click on this link to see Issue 81 of e-news from the PAGB.

This is in quick succession to e-news 80 but there is breaking news about the Awards for Photographic Merit and the FIAP World Cup

Friday, 7 December 2012

1000 for 1

Dear Salisbury Camera Club,
1000for1 is proud to invite your Photography Club and all its Members to take part in the International Photography Competition “India!”.

Every photographer, amateur or professional, is invited to participate with three pictures that must have been taken in India. Every subject is allowed, from macro to landscape photography, from portraits to action shots.
The picture that will best represent the spirit of India will be rewarded with either a Canon 5D mkIII or a Nikon D800, at winner's discretion.

This competition is run according to the Artists' Bill of Rights and participants retain their moral right and copyright at all times.

Submissions are open until the 29th of December 2012 and participating costs only 18 US Dollars.

The pictures will be reviewed by 1000for1's Judges and the winner will be nominated no later than January 2013.

The complete rules and online entry form can be found at

Certainly, some of your members are passionate about travel photography and love the colours of India and we would be extremely grateful if you could forward this opportunity to them.

Furthermore, if you'd like to publish our competition on your website, please find attached an image to that use.

If you need further information do not hesitate to contact us again by replying to this e-mail.
Best regards,
Matteo Vegetti

Sunday, 2 December 2012

PAGB News No. 80

Please click on this link to see Issue 80 of e-news from the PAGB.

Southampton CC 2013 Memorial Lecture: Timothy Allen

We are delighted to welcome Timothy Allen to talk about his work. His name may me unfamiliar, but his work is well known. He has a passion for recording the world’s diverse people and this led the BBC to commission him to follow the Human Planet film crews take the images for the stunning book for the series. This is a rare chance to see his work and hear about the extraordinary efforts he goes to in order to capture his images.

Many thanks.

Colin English
SCC Memorial Lecture Chairman

Timothy Allen web site HERE Look at his Bulgarian visit to see past Communist glories now past their best.