
Friday, 23 August 2013

PAGB News No. 97

This is e-news from the PAGB

Contains advice for aspiring AFIAP & EFIAP Applicants, more of the best pictures from Warwick and a list of All the MPAGB Who Ever Were.
Click on this link -

NOTE from the Awards for Photographic Merit Secretary on

All Entry Packs for the PAGB Awards Adjudication for November in Weymouth were released by 6th August. If you have not received yours, check your Spam/Junk box first and, if still not received, please contact me.

A "Thank You" from the FIAP Liaison Officer

At the end of the FIAP Distinctions process for 2013, both myself and my wife Sheila were somewhat overwhelmed by, not only the number, but also the nature of the messages of appreciation that we received from so many of our successful applicants.

The task is a big one, and we are only too aware of that, but the kindness and generosity displayed by so many of you has more than made up for the time and effort that we both put into processing your applications. That every one of 150 applicants was successful is also a source of great satisfaction to us.

We can only apologise that we did not reply individually to every message and hope that this message will reach all of you. Thanks for the trouble you took, it was appreciated.

FIAP Liaison Officer

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