
Friday, 3 January 2014

A Momentary Lapse of Reason

Bognor Regis Camera Club presents:
Tuesday 14th January 7.30pm
St Mary’s Centre, Grassmere Close,
Felpham, Bognor Regis, PO22 7NU

Visitors Welcome

An entertaining evening of photography and humour by Leigh Preston FRPS, EFIAP, MPAGB
Leigh explains how he uses his powers of observation to catch that special moment, looking for atmosphere, lighting and composition, and then patiently waiting until the perfect moment to press the shutter.
Subjects covered include the Olympics, the Edinburgh Fringe festival and Urban Landscapes.
Speaker Background:
Leigh holds two RPS Fellowships, one for pictorial images taken of the mill towns in Lancashire and Yorkshire and the other for Darkroom printing. He belong to the ARENA group of photographers and is a member of The London Salon. A book of his monochrome images depicting Britain’s Urban Landscape was published in 1993. There have been a number of one-man exhibitions of my work held in London, Dublin, Birmingham, Reading, Manchester, Gloucester and Belfast.
His work can be found at:

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