
Wednesday 19 March 2014

RPS Distinctions

Celebrate Distinctions 2014

Open to RPS Members & Non Members

29th March 2014, Still a few places open for this event and unlikely to be repeated in the South for quite some time due to the availability for other Regions.

So join the RPS Southern Region in conjunction with Winchester Photographic Society for the day in the beautiful City of Winchester. View successful Distinction panels from all levels and categories. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in the Royal Photographic Society's Distinctions. We will be showing the latest successful print LRPS & ARPS panels plus the highest level of distinction - Fellowship.

The Distinctions Day will now be held at the Littleton Memorial Hall, The Hall Way, Littleton, Winchester SO22 6QL

Tickets £10 available from head office, please call 01225 325733 and ask for Ben
or e-mail

Book on line RPS Events Booking
Numbers are strictly limited to 70 so hurry.

The Day

10:30am Introduction
10:45 Viewing LRPS & ARPS Print Panels.
12:30 - 1:30 Break for Lunch
1:30 - 3:30 Viewing Fellowship Print Panels
3:30 Questions & Answers

Southern Region Organiser.
Peter Hartland Tel 07887 958 306 E-Mail:

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