
Sunday, 20 April 2014

My Travel Photography in Australia and ZENFOLIO on 18 May 2014 10.30am- 4.30pm

St Mary Bourne Village Hall,
Bourne Meadow
St Mary Bourne
Nr Andover SP11 6BE

Phil Hill a young freelance editorial and commercial travel photographer
and Adam Edwards – Zenfolio

Phil Hill has been based in Perth Australia but is now currently back in South West UK. Travelling extensively, shooting stock images, completing assignments and commissions in Australia, across Asia, and of course internationally, not happy unless on the move.

“The three most important things in this life to live by are as follows: it has got to look good, sound good and taste good. My aim has always been to photograph vibrantly colourful pictures of the world that I love to travel, graphic in composition and rich in context, content and compassion, these are everything
in photography. 
The world is amazing, you meet wonderfully humble people at every possible corner and never the politics and stereotypes you read about."

From modest beginnings in England’s west country, Phil picked up a camera quickly discovering its unique ability to act as skeleton key and backstage pass to the parts of life normally untouchable.
Together with years of caravan holidays, bad weather and burnt BBQ sausages Phil felt the insatiable need to travel with the itchiest of feet leading to constant camera equipment carry-on luggage headaches. Moving to Australia, the sausages still get burnt but the travelling and the photography is much better.
Phil’s work has been published internationally: Japan, Russia, Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Ireland, Portugal, Brazil and featured in The Telegraph (UK), Daily Mail, You Magazine, BBC, The Sunday Times travel magazine, Lonely Planet magazine, Garuda Indonesia Colours magazine, and National Geographic Traveller and much more.

Best Practices for a Photography Website.
Adam Edwards – Zenfolio
Adam is a very talented gifted landscape photographer who is also an expert on all things Zenfolio.
Zenfolio is a Photo Hosting Website, used by many photographers both for personal professional hosting with easy to use templates. The RPS are presently working with Zenfolio to offer discounts to RPS members.
Adam will be talking about best practices for a photography website for all, both enthusiasts professions to how best display the offers the company have to sell your work. It would touch on the tools Zenfolio provide to help photographers achieve their goals.
The idea is that the talk can be of general interest to all photographers, so that everyone will be able to get something out of it.
The talk will have live demonstrations projected on the Southern Regions large projected screen you will have ample opportunity to ask those questions about Website Hosting we all have.
Tickets £10 (RPS Members) £15 (Non Members) excludes lunch, please bring a packed lunch.
Booking Electronically through the new RPS Website.

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