
Thursday, 3 November 2016

The Photographic Angle Exhibition

As someone who may be interested in photography, we would like to invite you, and anyone else you know who might also be interested, to our exhibition...

WHERE: The Quadrant, Stonehill Green, Westmead, Swindon SN5 7DJ

WHEN: Thursday 3rd to Monday 7th November 2016, open daily from 10am to 3pm

WHAT: The photographers participating in this theme have sent us striking images of the widest range of species, from elephants to insects. Many of the images in our Wildlife of the World exhibition highlight the relationships that species have with their habitats. Shining through each image is the photographer's admiration and empathy with the subject, together with their sheer joy and sense of privilege in being able to photograph them. We hope this exhibition will encourage our visitors to make a personal commitment to help preserve our biosphere and it's fauna. After all, most of our genes are also found in many animals. It is ignorant of us to ignore our true nature.

COST: Entry is free - No tickets required

WHO: Anyone who you think may enjoy a photographic exhibition!

(Please note that dates may be subject to change. We advise you to check our website for the latest information prior to attendance. Only a selection of photographs from this exhibition will be shown in each gallery. As such, not every photograph will be guaranteed to feature in each location along the tour. Please contact us for more information. Disabled visitors are advised to check with us, before visiting an exhibition, that suitable access can be provided).

We look forward to welcoming you to our exhibition, to see what it might look like, please see the pictures below.

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