
Thursday, 27 September 2018

Subject: Local photographer needed

Subject: Local photographer needed

Hi – not sure if you were aware, but this week and next week we are running a range of free events for older people, drawing on folk like the museum, library, musicians, leisure centres etal to put on something free under the banner of Silver Sunday marking this on the 7/10 and on Monday 1/10 incorporating International Day of the Older Person with a day of things at Five Rivers.

I am on the hunt for a willing local photographer to come and take some snaps of these events.

Do you think this is something someone from the Salisbury Camera Club might be able to help with?

Best regards,
Karen Linaker
Community Engagement Manager
01722 434697
07917 751 728

Photowalk - Harnham Water Meadows 30th Sept

Coming this Sunday camera club member Paul Rigg LRPS is conducting for the RPS a walk on the Water Meadows from 4pm until 7pm.
More details from Peter Read or RPS Journal page 667. Paul's Tel 07805671853

Monday, 24 September 2018

Bournemouth Electric Camera Club. “Jon Egging Trust”

Our Charity Exhibition this year is for the “Jon Egging Trust” as you have supported us in the past I have attached the poster and entry form hoping you will support us again this year. It will be held on Sunday 25th November 2018 all the details are on the form.
I have received over a £1000 worth of goods so far  that will be used as prizes & for the raffle. Please try and support it and tell your friends to enter or just come along and see the exhibition.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

An evening with Sue Flood, BAFTA on Photography

Subject: Sue Flood Photography evening in Sutton Scotney
Message: I am very excited to be hosting an evening with Sue Flood, BAFTA award winning wildlife filmmaker, photographer, and Associate Producer on the BBC series 'The Blue Planet’ with David Attenborough, at the Victoria Hall Sutton Scotney on 10th November. I was wondering if you could circulate the details to your members and I have a flyer I can send you with full details. Best wishes, Eryl Holt

Sunday, 2 September 2018