Details of the next meeting of the Southern Centre at Greyfriars Community Centre
44 Christchurch Road, Ringwood BH24 1DW are given below.
Book Tickets on line
Sunday 31st March 2019
10.30 am to 4.00 pm
Doors open 10.00 am
Lecture: The Windows of your Mind by Barry Mead FRPS
Barry’s talk will illustrate the development of his computerised creative work from 2000 till now. As a Fine Artist who taught Art for 30 years, Barry says the ideas have always come more quickly than the techniques. The images he loves to make involve Fantasy and Sci-Fi with the influences of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and children's stories. He uses images collected from many visits to the Venice Carnival and re-enactments. His methods are fairly simple, but it's the combinations of elements, textured effects and many layers in Photoshop where the magic takes place. The hope is that you will be inspired and go home with a desire to try it for yourselves.
Barry will present around 400 images showing his imagination at full throttle.
Show and Tell
In the afternoon there will be an opportunity for delegates to show some of their own prints or PDI images. Bring your PDI images, 1900x1200, pixels on a USB stick
All welcome: DIG Members £5.00. RPS members £8.00 All others £10
Advanced Booking Strongly Recommended
Bring a Packed Lunch
Tea and Coffee available
Best wishes
DIG Southern Centre Organiser
T: 01425 471489
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