
Monday 16 November 2020

Canberra U3A Camera Club meeting.

This meeting is, as I explained, a Workshop at which we generally discuss more technical things, on this occasion, "Colour Management - How Colour is Managed in Digital Photography." Sometimes other members of the class present the topic but this time I am again in the hot seat. There was a time I could talk for two hours non-stop but I am finding I need a break nowadays. Anyway, it gives members time to do other things for 5-10 minutes - this will be around the 11.00am mark (midnight your time). 

Needless to say, your members can see some of our latest pictures on our new web site at if they care to check in. It is public. 

If you wish to join in I can send you the link.

I was impressed with the creativity of the projects you set your members. I tend to be rather more formal with Set Subjects, so I will have to give some thought to a different format sometimes. I will also definitely include Luminar in the workshops for next year. This is one of the benefits of cross-fertilization, one I was hoping would happen with interaction with other groups.

Again, thank you for having me at your place, 


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