
Saturday, 30 January 2010

Judging Workshop on Sunday 21st February

Have you ever sat at the back of your club during a competition and wondered how a judge judge's? Would you like to find out more, or perhaps you are brave enough to stick your head above the parapet and put yourself forward as a judge.

On Sunday 21st February 2010 at Littleton Millennium Hall, Littleton, Near Winchester SO22 6QL, the Southern Photographic Federation will be hosting a Judging Workshop at 11:15 for 11:30am. Tickets will be available on the door at £8 each, everyone is welcome - if you are a current SPF Judge you are invited to attend for free.

Please bring a packed lunch with you, we will break for lunch, however there are not many places locally for food.

If you would like to be assessed during the day, to become an SPF B Panel Judge, please let me know.

We would ask you to bring along some prints and digital images - preferably not your most successful shots but ones which you know have some weaknesses, for use during the day, so that we can all learn from each others mistakes.

For further details, or any question please contact me.
Kindest regards,
Terri Neill-Griffin, SPF Vice-President

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