
Saturday, 13 July 2013

Photography Competition

This is to let you know of an open photographic competition we are running at, the website for York.

We are looking for entries of photographs taken in York since September last year.

We realise that not everyone will have a York picture in their recent portfolio; but, as our city is one of the most visited in the UK, there is a good chance that some of your club members or photographer friends may have a photograph worth entering.

Here is a link to the competition: York Photographer of the Year Competition.

All entries are digital (via the entry form); the first prize is £250 plus a pair of First Class Rail tickets from East Coast; entrants will be featured in a major exhibition in York in October.
  • Closing date is September 6. 
  • Entry fee/administration fee is £2 per entry of up to three photographs; photographers may enter as many times as they wish.

I do hope you can let other club members know of this event.

Thanks for taking the time to read this note.
Best wishes

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