I am currently project managing a project on health and climate for an organisation called the Living With Environmental Change (LWEC) Partnership. This is an organisation of 22 public sector organisations that fund, carry out and use environmental research and observations.
For the project that I am managing, we have to produce something called a climate change report card, which is a 20-24 page document outlining the main impacts to health as a result of a changing climate. This document, available as a hard copy or off the internet, will be made available to all organisations and individuals who have an interest in health and climate change. It will probably be launched in the House of Commons in July, and as with previous report cards, may feature on that days television news.
As part of the production of this card, we need a number of high quality original photographs relating to the themes in the card that enhances the reading experience. For previous cards, which were on biodiversity and water, this was quite easy. These are available here if you want a look http://www.lwec.org.uk/resources/report-cards. However, for health, few suitable images exists, so we have decided to run a photography competition to see if we can uncover suitable images. This competition will have three prizes that can’t be money, but will have monetary values of £200, £100 and £50.
A crucial role in terms of running this competition is advertising the competition, and I was wondering if it would be possible to advertise this contest via your website, which I assume would probably be by direct contact with the different photographic societies, or any other way that you feel would be suitable. We have drafted the details of the competition for the LWEC website and the rules, and could forward these to you if you want (tweaking these slightly for a different media).
Thanks for your time in reading this email, and I look forward to your response
Best regards
Dr Dominic Hames
Senior Engineer, Flood Management
E: d.hames@hrwallingford.com
T: +44 (0)1491 822298
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