
Friday, 10 April 2015

Symposium on War Photography. 19th April 2015 at the Winchester Discovery Centre

For the past year the DVJ group of the RPS have been working towards an exhibition and symposium to commemorate the Great War. The Exhibition, Then and Now, is at the Discovery Centre in Winchester from 1-28th April.

The Symposium is at the Performance Space in the Discovery Centre on 19 April, starting at 11.00 hours.

We have a fine line up of speakers:

Dr Del Barrett ARPS. Metaphors we die by. An overview of the inextricable link between language as a means of persuasion and war. The use of language as a means of garnering support for war is far from new. In her presentation Del Barrett looks at the different techniques that have been used since WW1, including neologism euphemism and metaphor, and shows how such devices can have deadly effects on those in the war arena, including the war photographers.

Alison Baskerville. Women and Conflict. The portrayal of women as victims of war is something we see regularly on the news. But what happens when the woman chooses a uniform and takes on the more male dominated aspect of warfare? This talk will explore the idea of women and war and the images that represent them.

Dr RM Callender FRPS Photography in the Great War. The profusion of images that emerged to remind us of the conflict between 1914 and 1918 prompted Ron Callender to examine the role of photography in the Great War. His aim was to find out why photography was important to both the allies and the axes powers, and to gather examples of social and professional photography from both sides.

Brett Killington. The importance of documenting the remains of WWI. Brett has spent the last four years documenting the tunnels and other remains of WWI and he will discuss why they have historical value and the importance of documenting what remains for the future.

Dr. Hilary Roberts. Imperial War Museum Research Curator of Photography An Introduction to War Photography. War photography is a complex but frequently misunderstood genre which is almost as old as photography itself. This talk will consider the nature, origins and evolution of the key formative influences on photographers who take war as their subject .
Further details can be found at:

Bookings can be made via the website (above) or by emailing

Maureen Connelly, LRPS
Chair, DVJ

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