
Wednesday, 29 April 2015

The RPS and The Open University launch new online photography course

Well worth checking out if you wish to get an LRPS.

The Royal Photographic Society and The Open University have launched a unique online digital photography course that will bring together The RPS’s 160-year experience in photography and the Open University’s recognised expertise in delivering education online.

Digital Photography: Creating and Sharing Better Images is a 10-week course designed to help people new to digital photography and those looking to improve existing skills – and to see the world in a new way. It will develop participants’ technical and visual skills through weekly practical assignments. Students will join a vibrant online community of their peers, to share, comment and learn from each other’s work, and they will receive feedback from expert photographers on their final assessment.

The course has been designed to give those completing it the skills needed to tackle The Royal Photographic Society’s Licentiate (LRPS) distinction in photography.

The 10-week course will cost £200 with participants working through The Open University’s award-winning online platform. There will be two presentations each year, with the first in June and October 2015. Students who successfully complete the course will be entitled to an RPS Certificate in Photography. It does not provide credit towards OU qualifications.

For further information visit:

The media release can be seen here:

Please circulate details to your friends and fellow photographers in other clubs and societies.
Dr Michael Pritchard FRPS
The Royal Photographic Society
Direct line: +44 (0)1225 325730

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