As another year draws to a close we hope you have enjoyed your photography in 2017 and benefited from your RPS membership during that time.
We hope you have been able to attend one of our many events this year – they are a great opportunity to meet some of the photographers in your area and to compare notes over a coffee or lunch and to learn something about our craft that perhaps you would not have picked up from your usual sources. Whether you have made it to an event yet or not, we have plenty planned for next year so look out for a full summary of 2018 events early in January.
One event that may be of interest, but which missed the deadline for the Journal so will not be advertised there, is on the 11th February in Littleton near Winchester.
Longridge, who often attend our events, will be running a Mount Cutting Workshop – if you ever wondered how best to mount your precious photos or how the right mount would improve them, this is the workshop for you. More details here:
And most importantly, on behalf of all of us on the Southern Region organising committee, I would like to wish you the very best of Christmas cheer and a very Happy New Year. And don’t forget to keep an eye on your emails, Facebook, Twitter, The RPS website and the Journal for all the events that we will be organising for 2018.
If you are interested in becoming an RPS volunteer in the Southern Region please contact me or anyone on the organising committee for more information.
Kind Regards
Paul Cox ARPS
Regional Organiser, Southern Region
Royal Photographic Society