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Thursday, 14 February 2019
Thursday, 7 February 2019
Tribute to the Late Bill Wisden MBE HonFRPS
Exhibition of Prints by the Late Bill Wisden MBE HonFRPS APAGB
Jubilee Library, Brighton from Monday 11 February to Saturday 23 February 2019
This exhibition is a celebration of the life and work of the distinguished Brighton photographer Bill Wisden MBE Hon FRPS.
Bill was a member of the Brighton & Hove Camera Club from 1954 until his death in January 2018 and in honour of his talent, achievements and generosity we as a Club wish to honour Bill’s work.
He will be remembered by many for his passion for photography and the amazing generosity of his time spent helping others to develop their own photography. He was always happy to give an honest opinion on a photograph and had the gift of immediately seeing the strengths or weaknesses of an image.
Whether it was in the dark room or later digitally, using Photoshop, he constantly pushed the boundaries and produced work that was well ahead of its time. Bill would refer to himself not as a photographer but as an image maker.
He won many awards and was well known internationally for his astute composition, humorous juxtapositions, use of colour and, later on, the digital manipulation in his images, creating, what he fondly called, “Wisdens”.
Amongst his many distinctions was that he was invited to become the youngest member of the London Salon of Photography in 1962.
A year later in 1963 he gained his Fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society (RPS) and over the years he worked tirelessly to promote and improve the RPS by serving on numerous boards and panels.
In 2011 Bill was awarded an MBE for his services to the Arts.
This exhibition is only a small part of Bill’s photographic life and is a mixture of his revolutionary darkroom prints and the digital work that he came to embrace even though he once swore he would never go digital. “I’m too old and you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. How wrong he was! He was so ahead of what others were doing in the early days of Photoshop.
Brighton & Hove Camera Club wants this exhibition to be a tribute to a man who is still greatly missed and will continue to be missed by everyone who loved him and learned so much from him.
VENUE: Jubilee Library, Jubilee Street, Brighton BN1 1GE
From Monday 11 February to Saturday 23 February 2019
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10am to 7pm
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 10am to 7pm
Wednesday, Friday, Saturday: 10am to 5pm
Sunday: 11am to 5pm
Brighton Station is only a 10-15-minute walk away from the library and there are various car parks in Brighton. For more information see:
Brighton Parking and Travel
RPS Assessment Day on 19th May Littleton Hall
Click the link for the details
The Standard for Licentiate is high; it is demanding but achievable for the vast majority of dedicated photographers.
It is essential that you book onto an assessment day in order for your portfolio of work to be assessed.
The Standard for Licentiate is high; it is demanding but achievable for the vast majority of dedicated photographers.
It is essential that you book onto an assessment day in order for your portfolio of work to be assessed.
Wednesday, 6 February 2019
Pete Whieldon Photography talk Feb 13th
I am the Alton Camera Club Secretary and would like to make your membership aware of the following excellent talk we have coming up on Wednesday 13th February from 19:30 hrs until 21:45 hrs.
We will be hosting Pete Whieldon who has a passion and commitment for Natural History Photography.
He will be talking through some of his photos (a few shown below) and how he achieved them.
He will talk about his travels, ongoing projects he has, places he has been, and what can be
photographed from his own backyard. He has hides available at his site in Otterbourne, Hampshire, where plenty of wildlife such as Owls, Raptors, and Kingfishers can be seen for photography.
His website is for more information about Pete.
Alton Camera Club are located at
Holybourne Village Hall, Church Lane, Holybourne, GU34 4HD.
For visitors to attend the talk, there is a small fee of £5, everyone is welcome.
For visitors to attend the talk, there is a small fee of £5, everyone is welcome.
Sunday, 3 February 2019
The RPS: DIG Southern Centre: Lecture 31 March 2019 Barry Mead FRPS ‘The Windows of your Mind’
Details of the next meeting of the Southern Centre at Greyfriars Community Centre
44 Christchurch Road, Ringwood BH24 1DW are given below.
Book Tickets on line
Sunday 31st March 2019
10.30 am to 4.00 pm
Doors open 10.00 am
Lecture: The Windows of your Mind by Barry Mead FRPS
Barry’s talk will illustrate the development of his computerised creative work from 2000 till now. As a Fine Artist who taught Art for 30 years, Barry says the ideas have always come more quickly than the techniques. The images he loves to make involve Fantasy and Sci-Fi with the influences of Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and children's stories. He uses images collected from many visits to the Venice Carnival and re-enactments. His methods are fairly simple, but it's the combinations of elements, textured effects and many layers in Photoshop where the magic takes place. The hope is that you will be inspired and go home with a desire to try it for yourselves.
Barry will present around 400 images showing his imagination at full throttle.
Show and Tell
In the afternoon there will be an opportunity for delegates to show some of their own prints or PDI images. Bring your PDI images, 1900x1200, pixels on a USB stick
All welcome: DIG Members £5.00. RPS members £8.00 All others £10
Advanced Booking Strongly Recommended
Bring a Packed Lunch
Tea and Coffee available
Best wishes
DIG Southern Centre Organiser
T: 01425 471489
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