
Saturday, 30 January 2010

The Winchester Photographic Society Annual Open Exhibition

Winchester Photographic Society's 77th Annual Open Exhibition will be taking place between Saturday 24th April and Sunday 16th May at the City Space at Winchester Discovery Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester. We’d like to invite you to join us!
Both members and non‐members are welcome to submit entries, with the best images displayed in the exhibition.

To find our more, and to register to enter images online, visit the Winchester Photographic Society website at:
Registration is open from Monday 18th January to Tuesday 2nd March.
A maximum of 12 images can be entered into the three open classes, with no more than 4 images in any one class. Cost of entry is £2 per image.
Open classes - Categories
Monochrome Prints
The Jubilee Cup

Colour Prints
The Spectral Salver

Projected Images (digital)
The Walton Cup

For more information contact Louise Brown (Exhibition Co‐ordinator):
Tel: 023 8026 5979


Judging Workshop on Sunday 21st February

Have you ever sat at the back of your club during a competition and wondered how a judge judge's? Would you like to find out more, or perhaps you are brave enough to stick your head above the parapet and put yourself forward as a judge.

On Sunday 21st February 2010 at Littleton Millennium Hall, Littleton, Near Winchester SO22 6QL, the Southern Photographic Federation will be hosting a Judging Workshop at 11:15 for 11:30am. Tickets will be available on the door at £8 each, everyone is welcome - if you are a current SPF Judge you are invited to attend for free.

Please bring a packed lunch with you, we will break for lunch, however there are not many places locally for food.

If you would like to be assessed during the day, to become an SPF B Panel Judge, please let me know.

We would ask you to bring along some prints and digital images - preferably not your most successful shots but ones which you know have some weaknesses, for use during the day, so that we can all learn from each others mistakes.

For further details, or any question please contact me.
Kindest regards,
Terri Neill-Griffin, SPF Vice-President

Friday, 29 January 2010


Shaftesbury Arts Centre
13 Bell Street, Shaftesbury SP7 8AR
Box Office 01747 854321




FRIDAY, 19th FEB 2010 at 7.30pm
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to enjoy the fantastic photographs of David Boag's 'American Project'. He is a Naturalist and Wildlife Photographer of great renown and has given lectures and presentations to a large variety of Groups and Associations, including RSPB Groups, Camera Clubs and Wildlife Trusts.

The American Project is the result of a commission David undertook, but he also took the opportunity to explore some of the more remote corners, including Alaska, Florida Everglades, Grand Canyon, to mention a few! His photography captures not only the scenery but also the wildlife he encountered during the project.

The interest in the lecture is enhanced by the challenge of discovering how David works in locations so far away from home and with unfamiliar animals and plants.

He has achieved some amazing pictures of enthralling prairie dogs and chipmunks - of cold-bloodied alligators and rattlesnakes - of vibrant flowers and dramatic birds.
The bar will be open during the interval.
Tickets £7.50, SAC Members £6.00 Box Office 01747 854321 open 10.30am-12.30am & 24 hour answerphone
When closed available from Shaftesbury Tourist Information Centre
01747 853514

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Southern Federation Print Championship

11th April 2010 [Click this link for more information]

This is the first of the new Championship and we are delighted to announce that the P.A.G.B. has accorded us their Patronage for this event, making it even more important to enter. As well as trophies for the best Clubs in the Federation there are also Gold and Silver medals to be awarded.
As is usual for an event such as this we have secured the services of three judges well versed in the type of judging needed for this. They will be using the well tried and tested method of marking of 1 – 5 for each print entered and displayed.
We have already received 13 entries and we are looking for more Clubs to join us. The closing date for the entry forms for the Prints by the 11th March 2010. The date is not negotiable due to the complexity of work needed before the day of the judging.
It is hoped that all Clubs will make the effort and discuss with their members and decide to enter and enjoy the viewing of so many prints from across the Federation and of course the opportunity to mix with other like minded members at this social occasion.
This year the Championship is to be hosted by Highcliffe & Infinity CC; perhaps next year your club would consider this? This will give the SPF the chance to hold this Championship in another part of the region.

Joint Co-ordinator

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Photo Book Stores

Nothing beats seeing photos in the flesh, but there is a special joy to be had from looking at the best photobooks.

If, like me, you want to browse for something more than offered by Amazon, look here:

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

London Photography Exhibitions

Here's some notable photo exhibitions in London.
William Eggleston
Victoria Miro Gallery is exhibiting William Eggleston. A rare chance to see up close new work from the 'father of colour' photography.

National Portrait Gallery
Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2009 until 14th is free to get in and is excellent.
Twiggy: A Life in Photographs until 21st March; a small exhibition is worth checking out if you are passing or if you decide to make the trip up to see NPG's ..
Irving Penn Portraits that will run until June 10th.

Some good places to find out what's on is at...

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Petersfield Photographic Society - One Day Exhibition

Petersfield Photographic Society are holding a One Day Exhibition on Saturday 27th March 2010 at The Petersfield Community Centre, Love Lane, Petersfield, from 10.00 a.m. until 5.00p.m.

This is our first effort at running such an event and would ask for your support, if possible.
John W.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

SCC Print and PDI Panels in the SPF Exhibition 2010

Our two panels can now be seen on our site
Print Panel HERE

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Programme Change next week

The talk on the 18th Jan has had to be postponed. So we have arranged for the talk on the 15th Feb  to be brought forward.  So now we have:-

'Photography in my Genes''. Slide Talk by Leo Rich ARPS, EFIAP, DPAGB, APAGB

An Evening with Will Cheung

Wimborne Camera Club's Annual Talk
Friday 22 January 2010
at the Allendale Centre, Wimborne 
7.30 pm
An Evening with Will Cheung
(Yes - that Will Cheung!)
Tickets £8 (inc. Raffle)
can be purchased in advance
Please advertise to your Club, Fellow Photographers and Friends!
Contact Jean David - Tel: 01202 528072
Will Cheung, late editor of Photography Monthly, talk, and show - in projected digital form - his prolific work!

Having heard Will before, I'm sure we're in for a really good evening, and we would like a really good crowd to support Will and Wimborne Camera Club!
Many thanks,
hope to see you there!
Carol Wiles
Hon Sec Wimborne Camera Club

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

*We are looking for that ‘Special’ Christmas shot!*

Powell Publishing are specialist publishers of Christmas cards exclusively for the charity card market. Every year we source hundreds of images from photographers and artists all over the country to create our charity card range.

We are always looking for that ‘special’ Christmas shot and would like to give club photographers the opportunity to send us their best shots for us to present to charities. If your image is chosen by the charity we will pay up to £50 direct to the camera club and up to £100 to the photographer.

The required subject categories are listed on the linked sheet. HERE

Please send your images at 72 dpi, low res, for our first selection process on a disc along with your contact details to the Powell Publishing Eythorne address on our website.

Alternatively email to the following address

Please view our card gallery on our website Simply enter the following details in ‘Existing User’ to access:

Charity name : Cards
Password : 500070
(Click ‘Enter’ on screen)

We look forward to receiving your images for consideration and wish you every success.

Yours faithfully

Trevor Paulett
Managing Director

Monday, 11 January 2010

How to size your images for Digital Projection

PDI Sizing notes can be seen via our site under Sundries > Digital Imaging Course.  There is a link at the bottom of the page. Or go via HERE

SPF Annual Exhibition Evening

I am pleased to be able to announce the new date for the SPF Annual Exhibition Evening, it will now be held on Friday 22nd January 2010 in the gallery Salisbury Library at 7pm. We hope that you will be able to join us, please spread the word of the new date.
We will have the awards presentation, drinks & nibbles, and a slideshow of the digital entries.

Stay safe and warm, and we look forward to see you on the 22nd.
I am sure next year we may see a few good snow scenes, so happy photographing.

Kindest regards,

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Photographic Exhibition

Photographic Exhibition
Basingstoke Central Library
18th – 30th January

I wonder if any of your members might be interested in an exhibition of a small number of my photographs which I have arranged in Basingstoke Central Library later this month.

I’ve called the exhibition “ . . . looking forward to summer . . . “ and intend to put up four pictures on four separate themes - summer landscapes, people’s faces in summer and people in the Venice Carnival (after all – the Venetians really know how to dress up and chase the midwinter blues away).

However, as I sit here peering out over a snowdrift at an icy road, I didn’t realise how pertinent the fourth group would be – winter landscapes showing the effects of snow and cold weather!

Assuming I can dig myself out of Yateley and drive to Basingstoke with the pictures, the exhibition will run from Monday 18th January to Sunday 31st January.

The library’s address is 19/20 Westminster House, Festival Place, Basingstoke, RG21 7LS. It is open seven days a week from 9.30 each morning (11.00am Sundays) and generally stays open until 7pm (although it closes at 4pm Saturdays, 5pm Sundays, 5.30pm Thursdays).

At present I also have a small permanent exhibition of photographs on a travel theme in Fleet Library. The pictures in the Fleet exhibition are changed every three months or so.

Best wishes

CHRIS HUTCHINSON Yateley Camera Club

Thursday, 7 January 2010

SCC Exhibition 2010

Our window display is now to be seen in the window in the passage next to the library.  It will be there until the end of the month. Click HERE to see some images of the display.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Changes to our Rules

The Rules found under About US have been modified slightly. Specifically for the File name format we shall be using from now on. Also there is clarification to the rules for the Sloane Stanley and Sanger Trophies. To see these Rules click HERE