One circuit, Four judgments… 500,00 € for the best author of the circuit and a 100,00 € for the best author of each salon… More than 200 awards and prizes… | |
Dear Photo friends, Invites you to enter the "8 th French Digital Tour, Circuit 2013". The exhibition has received FIAP Patronage, PSA Spécial Recognition (PID + Nature) - UPI License - ISF – and FPF Patronage. Categories : - Color Open ( PSA PID Color) - Color Nature ( PSA ND) - Color Creativity ( PSA PID Color) Entry fees (Paypal) : Individuals Euro zone : - 1 section: 25€ - 2 sections: 30€ - 3 sections : 35€ Individuals other countries : - 1 section : 30 € - 2 sections : 35€ - 3 sections : 40€ Preferential entry fee for the clubs Closing date : October 13st 2013 |
Saturday, 31 August 2013
French Digital Tour 2013
Friday, 30 August 2013
Peter Lovelock & Will Cheung speaking
Viewfinders of Romsey Camera Club has two speakers visiting over the next few weeks that will almost certainly be of interest to some of you.
On Tuesday 15th October, Peter Lovelock will be doing a presentation on“Colour Confidence”, in which he will explain how to control colour and achieve a print that looks like the image on your screen.
On Tuesday 22 October, we have “An Evening with Will Cheung”, an entertaining talk by the well-known editor of Advanced Photography.
You are invited to join us at the Jubilee Hall at Timsbury - please refer to our website if you need directions. Entry for visitors will be £7 for each evening, payable at the door.
Best wishes
Pam Watson
On Tuesday 15th October, Peter Lovelock will be doing a presentation on“Colour Confidence”, in which he will explain how to control colour and achieve a print that looks like the image on your screen.
On Tuesday 22 October, we have “An Evening with Will Cheung”, an entertaining talk by the well-known editor of Advanced Photography.
You are invited to join us at the Jubilee Hall at Timsbury - please refer to our website if you need directions. Entry for visitors will be £7 for each evening, payable at the door.
Best wishes
Pam Watson
Thursday, 29 August 2013
Termine ultimo per consegna opere: 12 Ottobre 2013
Deadline for entry submission: October 12th, 2013
Deadline for entry submission: October 12th, 2013
Catalogo FIAP ***** (5 stelle)
Per bando, iscrizione e invio delle immagini:
For Rules and Conditions, Registration, and Image upload please visit the
For Rules and Conditions, Registration, and Image upload please visit the
Cinque Concorsi / Five Contests:
26° Premio Mallare
12° Trofeo Città di Sanremo
29° Premio Torria
16° Trofeo Ranzi di Pietra Ligure
3° Trofeo Città di Cervo
26° Premio Mallare
12° Trofeo Città di Sanremo
29° Premio Torria
16° Trofeo Ranzi di Pietra Ligure
3° Trofeo Città di Cervo
Patrocini / Recognition:
Sezioni / Categories:
Sezione A Libero colore (PID Color Division)
Category A Free Subject, Colour (PID Color Division)
Sezione B Libero monocromatico (PID Monochrome Division)
Category B Free Subject, Monochrome (PID Monochrome Division)
Sezione A Libero colore (PID Color Division)
Category A Free Subject, Colour (PID Color Division)
Sezione B Libero monocromatico (PID Monochrome Division)
Category B Free Subject, Monochrome (PID Monochrome Division)
Premi / Awards:
Più di 200 premi (Miglior autore del circuito 500,00 $ USA)
More than 200 awards (Best author of the Circuit 500,00 $ USD)
Più di 200 premi (Miglior autore del circuito 500,00 $ USA)
More than 200 awards (Best author of the Circuit 500,00 $ USD)
Catalogo / Catalogue:
5 stelle FIAP Ad ogni partecipante verrà spedito il catalogo cartaceo ufficiale di oltre 200 pagine, in formato A4 contenente le opere premiate e una selezione delle immagini ammesse ai cinque concorsi.
FIAP 5 stars catalogue The 200 A4 page official printed catalogue containing all the award winning photos and a selection of those admitted to the five contests will be sent to each contestant.
5 stelle FIAP Ad ogni partecipante verrà spedito il catalogo cartaceo ufficiale di oltre 200 pagine, in formato A4 contenente le opere premiate e una selezione delle immagini ammesse ai cinque concorsi.
FIAP 5 stars catalogue The 200 A4 page official printed catalogue containing all the award winning photos and a selection of those admitted to the five contests will be sent to each contestant.
Per ogni ulteriore informazione:
For further information:
For further information:
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Swanage and Purbeck Walking Festival
I just wanted to draw your attention to this walking festival in September which features 2 photography walks with photographer Andy Farrer.
At just £3.50 they represent a very cheap opportunity for some expert tuition.
Kind regards,
Bob Westwood
I just wanted to draw your attention to this walking festival in September which features 2 photography walks with photographer Andy Farrer.
At just £3.50 they represent a very cheap opportunity for some expert tuition.
Kind regards,
Bob Westwood
The Aesthetica Art Prize 2013: Final Week to Register
There’s only one week left to register your work for the Aesthetica Art Prize 2013, which offers both budding and established photographers and artists the opportunity to showcase their work to a wider, international audience. Now in its sixth year the competition is a celebration of visual art, inviting all artists to submit imaginative and innovative work that pushes the boundaries of their chosen medium. Committed to nurturing new and existing talent, the Aesthetica Art Prize is a fantastic opportunity to develop your presence in the international art world. Prizes include up to £1000 in cash, a group exhibition, six months studio space, six mentoring sessions and editorial coverage in Aesthetica Magazine, which has a readership of 140,000 worldwide.
Categories for entry are: Photographic & Digital Art, Three Dimensional Design & Sculpture, Painting & Drawing and Installation & Performance. Deadline for entries is 31 August. Please for more information.
Categories for entry are: Photographic & Digital Art, Three Dimensional Design & Sculpture, Painting & Drawing and Installation & Performance. Deadline for entries is 31 August. Please for more information.
Tibetan Monks to create sculpture in Chapter House
![]() |
Image: Monks from the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery creating a Sand Mandala in
Salisbury Cathedral Chapter House during Salisbury International Arts Festival, 2005
Tibetan monks from the Tashi Lhunpo Monastery will be in Salisbury Cathedral Chapter House from 9.30am – 4.30pm on Monday 30 September through to Friday 4 October creating a Sand Mandala. The process begins on Monday morning with a dedication ceremony and ends five days later with a destruction ceremony and procession to the River Avon. Visitors are welcome in the Chapter House at any time during these five days to watch the monks as they work.
The Sand Mandala is an artistic tradition of Tibetan Buddhism involving the creation and destruction of mandalas made from colored sand. A mandala is a symbolic picture of the universe representing an imaginary palace that is contemplated during meditation. Each object in the palace has significance as an aspect of wisdom or a guiding principle. Its purpose is to help transform ordinary minds into enlightened ones and to assist with healing.
The mandala is painstakingly laid using millions of grains of different coloured sand applied using small tubes, funnels, and scrapers, until the intricate pattern is achieved. It is usual that a team of monks works together on the project, creating one section at a time and working from the centre outwards. Once completed and the accompanying ceremonies and viewing are finished, the sand mandala is ritualistically destroyed - symbolising the Buddhist doctrinal belief in the transitory nature of material life - and the sand swept up and poured into a river where its healing energies are carried throughout the world. This ceremony will take place during the afternoon of Friday 4 October.
Edward Probert, Canon Chancellor at Salisbury Cathedral, said “I visited the Tashi Lhunpo monastery in February, and was privileged to enjoy the monks’ hospitality and sit in on their worship. It will be a delight to return the compliment, and while Buddhist beliefs are very different from our Christian ones, it is deeply enriching to experience their artistic and devotional traditions. Sand mandalas - the monks made one here as part of the Salisbury International Arts Festival in 2005 - are beautiful and astonishing, and throw a fresh light on the art and architecture of the cathedral's Chapter House. Please don't miss it.”
Sunday, 25 August 2013
DI Group Thames Valley Centre SUNDAY 8 SEPTEMBER
Event news from your Centre Organiser
We hope you've had a wonderful summer, photographically speaking. It's nearly September, and our Thames Valley Centre DI Group meetings are about to resume, with three more great events to come before the end of the year. Hope you can join us ...
First up, on 8 September:
David Yates "My Photography":
A mixture of black & white and colour prints - pictorial, portrait and landscape taken in various parts of the World. Digital hand tinting, long exposure seascape and architectural. Black & white prints produced from digital negatives.
We hope you've had a wonderful summer, photographically speaking. It's nearly September, and our Thames Valley Centre DI Group meetings are about to resume, with three more great events to come before the end of the year. Hope you can join us ...
First up, on 8 September:
David Yates "My Photography":
A mixture of black & white and colour prints - pictorial, portrait and landscape taken in various parts of the World. Digital hand tinting, long exposure seascape and architectural. Black & white prints produced from digital negatives.
About David Yates: Dave started photography in 1992, has been President of Smethwick PS on 2 occasions,is a trustee of the Society and Chairman of the London Salon since 2010 (only the 3rd person in its 100 year history to serve 2 terms). He works mainly in Black & White producing prints from both digital files and darkroom. In the last few years since being sponsored by Fotospeed he has ventured into the colour world, but with a difference. This brings both mono and colour to the audience. His images cover a wide range of subjects taken from around the World. In 2012 he was fortunate enough to have 2 exhibitions in the UK, one being an invite to exhibit at The London Film Museum in Covent Garden alongside the London Salon Exhibition and Magnum. See his website.
RPS DI Group members and non members all welcome .
RPS DI Group members Day Ticket in advance: £6.00
NON DI Group members Day Ticket in advance: £10.00
RPS DI Group members Day Ticket on the door: £8.00
NON DI Group members Day Ticket on the door: £12.00
Advance booking advised - see full details of all ticket options and how to apply .
Free tea, coffee and biscuits throughout the day. We suggest you bring a pack lunch.
We meet at:
Emmview Close
We start at 10.30am (tea/coffee from 10.00am), and finish between 3.00pm and 3.30pm. Free tea, coffee and biscuits throughout the day. We suggest you bring a pack lunch.
See more location details, or download a map and important parking information
Download our full 2013 Programme (A4 PDF), or see our Events Listing
We are looking for members to give short (5-15 min) presentations on any digital photography topic of their choosing, at our November event - anything from technical tips to showing your latest work. Please contact me during the September or October meeting and let me know your thoughts.
Laurie Pate , Centre Organiser
Friday, 23 August 2013
PAGB News No. 97
This is e-news from the PAGB
Contains advice for aspiring AFIAP & EFIAP Applicants, more of the best pictures from Warwick and a list of All the MPAGB Who Ever Were.
Click on this link -
NOTE from the Awards for Photographic Merit Secretary on
All Entry Packs for the PAGB Awards Adjudication for November in Weymouth were released by 6th August. If you have not received yours, check your Spam/Junk box first and, if still not received, please contact me.
A "Thank You" from the FIAP Liaison Officer
At the end of the FIAP Distinctions process for 2013, both myself and my wife Sheila were somewhat overwhelmed by, not only the number, but also the nature of the messages of appreciation that we received from so many of our successful applicants.
The task is a big one, and we are only too aware of that, but the kindness and generosity displayed by so many of you has more than made up for the time and effort that we both put into processing your applications. That every one of 150 applicants was successful is also a source of great satisfaction to us.
We can only apologise that we did not reply individually to every message and hope that this message will reach all of you. Thanks for the trouble you took, it was appreciated.
FIAP Liaison Officer
Contains advice for aspiring AFIAP & EFIAP Applicants, more of the best pictures from Warwick and a list of All the MPAGB Who Ever Were.
Click on this link -
NOTE from the Awards for Photographic Merit Secretary on
All Entry Packs for the PAGB Awards Adjudication for November in Weymouth were released by 6th August. If you have not received yours, check your Spam/Junk box first and, if still not received, please contact me.
A "Thank You" from the FIAP Liaison Officer
At the end of the FIAP Distinctions process for 2013, both myself and my wife Sheila were somewhat overwhelmed by, not only the number, but also the nature of the messages of appreciation that we received from so many of our successful applicants.
The task is a big one, and we are only too aware of that, but the kindness and generosity displayed by so many of you has more than made up for the time and effort that we both put into processing your applications. That every one of 150 applicants was successful is also a source of great satisfaction to us.
We can only apologise that we did not reply individually to every message and hope that this message will reach all of you. Thanks for the trouble you took, it was appreciated.
FIAP Liaison Officer
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Photography workshops and tours
Robert Canis Photography
Please click on the title to take you directly to the workshop page
November 18th-20th 2013
(3 places left)
June 16th-19th 2014
October 6th-9th 2014
(additional date added)
February 10th-15th 2014
October 23rd 2013
April 30th 2014 (bluebell time!)
December 7th 2013
November 2nd 2013
(3 places left)
December 5th 2013
January 13th 2014
May 1st 2014
May 2nd 2014
May 3rd
(3 places left)
May 17th 2014
Should any of your members book as a direct result of this email,
they will receive a 10% discount on domestic workshops and 5% on overseas tours!
Photography Exhibition at Waterstone's
Clare Astbury sent me this information.
She is a pretty good photographer I can testify.v She was a multiple winner in a Photographic competition that I judged earlier this year.
The theme is Gardener's World.
The photographs are on the front stairs and my ones are the traditional black and white.
With kind regards

The photographs are on the front stairs and my ones are the traditional black and white.
With kind regards

Saturday, 17 August 2013
Photography Safari in Morocco: October 2013
Photography Safari in Morocco with Toby Savage - PLACES AVAILABLE
12-19 October 2013
The Sahara desert holds a timeless fascination for travellers and photographers; rolling sand dunes, dramatic rock escarpments and curious mud brick towns inhabited by colourful locals. Helicon Arts is pleased to offer a great opportunity for you to sample the delights of southern Morocco with an exciting photo-safari led by adventurous travel photographer Toby Savage.
Photographic opportunities will abound as we travel by 4x4 from the vibrance of the city to mountain villages and desert wilderness. During the week we will visit the souks of Marrakech, the spectacular Kasbah of Ait Benhaddou, set of many Hollywood films, sleep in a nomad tent in the Sahara desert and take a camel ride across the dunes. Under Toby’s expert guidance we will learn about the elements of a good photograph and hone our skills immersed in spectacular scenery.
Trip Highlights
group and individual tuition from experienced professional photographer
explore Marrakech’s ancient medina
travel by 4x4 over the stunning Atlas mountains
visit the UNESCO World Heritage Kasbah of Ait Benhaddou
cross the Sahara desert in style and stay in a nomad tent
discover the delightful seaside town of Essouaria
Full details and prices for the holiday are on our website,
Kind regards,
Helen Wills
Director, Helicon Arts
12-19 October 2013
The Sahara desert holds a timeless fascination for travellers and photographers; rolling sand dunes, dramatic rock escarpments and curious mud brick towns inhabited by colourful locals. Helicon Arts is pleased to offer a great opportunity for you to sample the delights of southern Morocco with an exciting photo-safari led by adventurous travel photographer Toby Savage.
Photographic opportunities will abound as we travel by 4x4 from the vibrance of the city to mountain villages and desert wilderness. During the week we will visit the souks of Marrakech, the spectacular Kasbah of Ait Benhaddou, set of many Hollywood films, sleep in a nomad tent in the Sahara desert and take a camel ride across the dunes. Under Toby’s expert guidance we will learn about the elements of a good photograph and hone our skills immersed in spectacular scenery.
Trip Highlights
group and individual tuition from experienced professional photographer
explore Marrakech’s ancient medina
travel by 4x4 over the stunning Atlas mountains
visit the UNESCO World Heritage Kasbah of Ait Benhaddou
cross the Sahara desert in style and stay in a nomad tent
discover the delightful seaside town of Essouaria
Full details and prices for the holiday are on our website,
Kind regards,
Helen Wills
Director, Helicon Arts
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Hilliers Exhibition
The Lightcatchers Exhibition is on now until 1st September. Entrance is free and the quality as always is excellent. That quality is assisted by prints from Viewfinders own members Tony and Betty Rackham.
As a reminder from a previously circulated email, if you go into the gardens and take your camera with you then you may catch an entry to a Summer Competition which is running there. Full details are:
The image needs to have been made in the garden this Summer.
Best wishes,
As a reminder from a previously circulated email, if you go into the gardens and take your camera with you then you may catch an entry to a Summer Competition which is running there. Full details are:
The image needs to have been made in the garden this Summer.
Best wishes,
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
Doug Allan - Life Behind the Lens Tour - Sun, 13 Oct 2013, 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Following the recent success of three Theatre tours, we have just finished organising a Third tour for BAFTA and Emmy award-winning wildlife and documentary cameraman Doug Allan. Soon he will be in Salisbury at the Arts Centre.
Having worked on programmes including Blue Planet, Planet Earth and Life, Doug is at the forefront of his profession and offers a unique insight into a life lived at the extremes. Most recently, Doug has appeared both in front of the camera, and as a cameraman for BBC's Operation Iceberg, and has also featured on the BBC's Wild Cameramen at Work, where Sir David Attenborough said the following about him: “For me, wildlife cameramen don’t come much more special than Doug. There’s just no one else who knows these frozen worlds as he does”.
The lecture has a focus on filming in the Arctic and the Antarctic, and touches on a range of subjects - from the environmental concerns of the delicate environments of the poles, and how the enhanced greenhouse effect affects them - to anecdotes on how Doug first managed to get into the business.
We believe that this lecture could be of interest to those of you who are interested in the outdoors and the environment, but also those of you interested in photography and camera work. Even if you just like a good story we feel this show will be of interest to you.
At the end of the lecture, Doug also involves the audience with a Q & A, and then comes down off of the stage, to sign copies of his book, and will be able to discuss a couple of points whilst signing.
With a lecture full of Doug's exciting adventures and animal encounters, it should be fun for those of all ages.
To find out more and to book tickets please see HERE
Having worked on programmes including Blue Planet, Planet Earth and Life, Doug is at the forefront of his profession and offers a unique insight into a life lived at the extremes. Most recently, Doug has appeared both in front of the camera, and as a cameraman for BBC's Operation Iceberg, and has also featured on the BBC's Wild Cameramen at Work, where Sir David Attenborough said the following about him: “For me, wildlife cameramen don’t come much more special than Doug. There’s just no one else who knows these frozen worlds as he does”.
The lecture has a focus on filming in the Arctic and the Antarctic, and touches on a range of subjects - from the environmental concerns of the delicate environments of the poles, and how the enhanced greenhouse effect affects them - to anecdotes on how Doug first managed to get into the business.
We believe that this lecture could be of interest to those of you who are interested in the outdoors and the environment, but also those of you interested in photography and camera work. Even if you just like a good story we feel this show will be of interest to you.
At the end of the lecture, Doug also involves the audience with a Q & A, and then comes down off of the stage, to sign copies of his book, and will be able to discuss a couple of points whilst signing.
With a lecture full of Doug's exciting adventures and animal encounters, it should be fun for those of all ages.
To find out more and to book tickets please see HERE
Cost £12.50 / £10.50 concessions
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
RPS Digital Imaging Group Exhibition
Digital Imaging Group Exhibition of Award Winning Images, Fenton House - August 2013
This month’s exhibition of members’ work at Fenton House in Bath is the Digital Imaging Group Exhibition of Award Winning Images.
It shows the Gold Medal and Ribbon winning images from the 2012 Print Exhibition, the 2012 Digital Projected Image Competition (DPIC) and the 2013 Print Exhibition; as well as the Gold Medal winning images from the 2010 DPIC, the 2011 Print Exhibition and the 2011 DPIC. As such, it represents a cross-section of the best work of DIG members.
The Exhibition is on until 29th August. Opening times are Monday – Friday. 9.30 – 16.30 and entry is free.
For further details, please see:
There are 31 images on show and a selection of 10 of these is on the site above.Janet Davies ARPS (RPS Digital Imaging Group Hon Sec)
Winchester Cycle Race - Sunday 11th Aug
'There is a high-quality cycle race in Winchester on the 11th of August. The route is around Winchester town and runs up the High Street. It's between 4pm and 8pm. The details can be found on the Winchester City Council website. It will make for good photographs.'
Monday, 5 August 2013
Hilliers photographic competition
Dear All
Please see this link for a photography competition at Hilliers, drawn to our attention by Viewfinders member, Chris Maidens.
Please note that the closing date is August 31st.
Best wishes
Please see this link for a photography competition at Hilliers, drawn to our attention by Viewfinders member, Chris Maidens.
Please note that the closing date is August 31st.
Best wishes
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