
Wednesday, 29 April 2009

More Archives

I have added 5 more galleries of archive material for Salisbury Camera Club. These go back to about 1947.
  1. You will find one archive of Cuttings over a 5 year period.
  2. Another is of W A Chaplin's cathedral photographs.
  3. Finally some copies of slides from 1947.
  4. Two Posters of the Saintes Exhibition in 1990 & 1991
  5. A report in the Wiltshire Life about the Wiltshire Cup competition
Go HERE to sample these delights.

Congratulations to Tony

Tony has managed to gain the CPAGB distinction last weekend.
He had to enter 10 prints and had to score an average of 20 or more out of 30 points as judged by 6 judges. This is to reduce any judges bias.
So now Tony has achieved both the LRPS and the CPAGB within jst 2 months. Many congratulations.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

SCC Walk 27 April 2009

14 members gathered by the Hungry Horse pub to go for a photographic stroll through some pretty parts of Salisbury on a lovely sunny Spring evening.

Here are some of the photos taken that evening by Peter Read
More photos are welcome from members.

RPS Digital Group Success

On the 19th April at the RPS Dig group's AGM and Exhibition selection Peter Read's image of Heidi was Highly Commended and he was presented with the RPS Ribbon.

Heidi is a dog that belongs to Sally and the photograph was taken on a Club outing to her farm in 2006. It is an Infra Red photograph and can be seen HERE.

Sheila Read got a print accepted Sand Sea & Sky and Peter got a second photo accepted called Creek Men.

Congratulations to Sheila & Peter

On Sunday 26th April at the SPF League Finals that took place in St Mary's Hall, Overton Sheila Read's slide KEY RING was placed second and Peter Read's print RHUM VIEW achieved a Highly Commended status. The judge was Barry Mead DPAGB, FRP.

Also on that day the SPF President Lynn Lambeth presented a certificate to Peter Read DPAGB, LRPS for Salisbury Camera Club winning the Slide section of the League for the South West League.

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

New Printer Needed

After about 7 or 8 years, I have finally run out of patience with the place that has done all my competition printing. Over the years, they have gone from 1st class service through episodes of poor quality printing to the most obnoxious "Couldn't care less attitude" that I recieved today. I wanted to have a panel of prints done, and didn't expect to get much change out of £80 - £100. They didn't ask what prints needed doing or even what sort of paper I wanted. "Ready at 5 tomorrow" What will be? ............. I won't go on. Suffice to say that I was looking for just a tadd more in the way of interest and good customer service than I received. I have resisted naming the Company but I think that most of you know who I have used over the years. So, can anyone out there recommend a company, either postal or retail, who produce good quality prints with a good level of service?
Maybe one of the club members has an A3 printer who is prepared to do the job for me?
Any thoughts?
Link back through here, or email me direct.

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Mary Luckham Trophy Competition now set

See the Mary Luckham page on the web site to see details of the competition set by Tony on Monday 6th April.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Programme 2009/10

You can now check out our programme of events for next season.
The major highlights will be
  1. Ian Bateman who is the UK's best practioner of digital AV
  2. Heather Hook with her Aerial photographs

Environmental Photographer of the Year

CIWEM (The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management) runs the
Environmental Photographer of the Year, which is one of the fastest growing photographic competitions in the world. In 2008 we received over 1,400 entries from over 40 countries –we are hoping to increase this in the 2009 competition.
This is a serious competition that seeks to celebrate photographers who use their ability to raise awareness of environmental and social issues is open to all professional and amateur international photographers of any ages. This year’s categories are Changing Climates; A World of Difference; Quality of Life; The Natural World; and the Young Environmental Photographer of the Year (Under 21). EPOTY encourages entries that are contemporary, creative, experimental, resonant, original and beautiful.
The judging panel is made up of some of the most respected environmental photographers in the industry, including Gary Braasch winner of the Ansel Adams Award for Conservation Photography, as well as senior environmentalists. Individual pieces of work will be judged on impact, creativity, composition, originality and technical abilities. Winners receive cash prizes, and all winning and highly commended entries are displayed in the international Environmental Photographer of the Year exhibitions. Copyright is retained by the photographer (see terms and conditions at I hope you may be able to forward this email onto your members and friends, encouraging them to enter via The competition is open until 5pm on 31st July 2009.
If you have any questions or require more information, please do contact me.
Many thanks and best wishes,
Emily Doyle
Press and Marketing Officer
Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM),
15 John Street
London, WC1N 2EB
Tel: 020 7831 3110

Registered Charity No. 1043409

CIWEM is an independent professional body and a registered charity, advancing the science and practice of water and environmental management for a clean, green and sustainable world.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Mike Maloney is coming


You and the law with regard to taking photographs. Take a look at this page which gives you information about the law. Arm yourself with this information in case someone challenges you when you are out taking photos.
Know your rights.

Sunday, 5 April 2009


We are fortunate to have Les Lloyd join the Council and he is already working with Trevor to redesign our website. You will see the front page is very different than previously and we have many good ideas for improving on the old website. Please take time to visit the new site and see how it is developing I would like to say this is in development stage and you will see if you visit the site regularly that it is being phased with all new information in the new format but with the old information still available in the old format, the new site is being built in parallel to the old site which we hope to switch off in a few weeks time, so I ask you to be patient, but to let our secretary have your comments on what you see and any content that you would like added, such as a club exhibition or major event.
We will also be having a gallery of images included within the site and will display winners of the League and Championships so you may even see one of your images on the site at some point. We are also considering including a small ads section, if there is enough interest for people wanting to sell equipment.
The new site will be very easy to navigate and we hope you will all use it a lot more to find out the information including; Club Reps meetings, competitions, Newsletter and also what events are happening around our region.
Don't forget all our sponsors are advertising on the website do please use them and let them know where you saw their advert - the money generated from these sponsors directly works to keep your subscriptions lower.
Look forward to seeing many of you at our next event - Finals Day,
Lynn Lambeth, President.

Camera Repairer Request

I work in the Salisbury/southampton area and need to find somewhere to get a digital camera repaired without going to an expensive place like Jessops. If you or one of your members know of somewhere local then perhaps you could email me on
Dave Rigg

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Glastonbury Abbey Photographic Competition

Glastonbury Abbey is hosting its second Photographic Competition during 2009. Entitled 'The Spirit of Glastonbury Abbey' and with a closing date of noon on 9th September 2009. The competition is open to amatuer and professional alike and will be judged by a professional qualified judge.

Entry forms can either be picked up from Glastonbury Abbeys ticket office or can be downloaded from the website at ( towards the bottom of the Home page).

We do hope that you will make your members aware of our competition, please, and hopefully enter too - there are so many exciting things happening here at the Abbey this year to give wonderful opportunies for some glorious photographs.

Yours sincerely
Francis Thyer
Deputy Custodian.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Bits and Bytes

There is a link to a spreadsheet that resides in Google Docs [aka the Cloud] that shows the meanings of most of the manifestations of bits and bytes such as Megabyte. This is in very simple terms but almost everyone will find something they did know before.