
Thursday, 14 March 2013

Celebrating the Federation’s 50th Anniversary

Several ideas for celebrating the Anniversary were discussed at the Reps’ Meeting, but did not meet with much support. Subsequently a proposal was put by Peter Rocchiccioli for the production of a commemorative photographic book, with a selection of photographs from every club in the Federation; this has been enthusiastically agreed by the Council. 

Hot off the press, the following is Peter’s information on the project:

The Federation Council has agreed with the support of some Clubs to produce a 50th Anniversary commemorativephotographic book similar to the RPS Portfolio one and two to celebrate this milestone.

We are inviting images from the 62 clubs from their members with images representing their own area. Images required on either digital stick or disk. Jpeg high resolution photographs (300 dpi in RGB) they are to include title, photographer’s name and Club name. The work must relate to the club location/area, with up to 20 images per club. All of the sticks or discs to Peter Rocchiccioli, Ludlow Copse Lane, Hayling Island, Hants. PO11 0QA These will be returned at one of the Reps’ meetings.

Clubs’ deadline to have their work to Peter Rocchiccioli at the above address is by 1st July 2013. (No images to be e-mailed).

Each Club will be represented by at least one image and their details if provided by the Clubs, including a couple of paragraphs on the Club history.

In addition if any Club members have photographs of the Federation early days I would welcome the opportunity to use them in the book for the Federation history section.

The book will have the necessary bar-code system that would mean that we have to provide one for the British library and one for the RPS and PAGB; this would ensure that it will outlive all of us and it would be there for ever as a memorial to the Federation, the Clubs and Officers. 

Then we could have a book launch day at some venue such as Winchester, Chichester, Basingstoke and Havant or any other location that we may be able to obtain, to coincide with both the 50th Anniversary and the new name for the Federation; include a buffet and we have the lot.

The financial risk is minimal as we would hope to sell the books to the membership as well as through Amazon.

Time is of the essence, we need to progress as soon as possible.

If any Club members have any suggestions or can think of any other point please advise me as soon as possible.

Peter Rocchiccioli

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