
Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Yateley Camera Club Virtual Exhibition

Yateley Camera Club is delighted to announce the launch of our Virtual Exhibition on Tuesday 1 December. The show is set in a 3D museum space, allowing visitors to explore 300+ pictures, covering a huge range of styles and subjects at your own pace – or by taking the guided tour option; you may select ‘Enter Exhibition’ or ‘Virtual Tour’ when you arrive. 

There is an opportunity to vote for your favourite photograph, purchase images & leave comments. There is also a small supplementary gallery showcasing the efforts of the Wells for Uganda charity which YCC has been supporting for several years. For those of you that would like to donate to WFU there is a Just Giving link in the gallery or directly below.

You are able to access the main exhibition at: 

The Wells for Uganda display at: 

WFU Just Giving:

We look forward to welcoming you to the exhibition!

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Monday, 16 November 2020

Canberra U3A Camera Club meeting.

This meeting is, as I explained, a Workshop at which we generally discuss more technical things, on this occasion, "Colour Management - How Colour is Managed in Digital Photography." Sometimes other members of the class present the topic but this time I am again in the hot seat. There was a time I could talk for two hours non-stop but I am finding I need a break nowadays. Anyway, it gives members time to do other things for 5-10 minutes - this will be around the 11.00am mark (midnight your time). 

Needless to say, your members can see some of our latest pictures on our new web site at if they care to check in. It is public. 

If you wish to join in I can send you the link.

I was impressed with the creativity of the projects you set your members. I tend to be rather more formal with Set Subjects, so I will have to give some thought to a different format sometimes. I will also definitely include Luminar in the workshops for next year. This is one of the benefits of cross-fertilization, one I was hoping would happen with interaction with other groups.

Again, thank you for having me at your place, 


Friday, 13 November 2020

PAGB News No 270

 Click HERE to read issue number 270.

But importantly there is an extra issue 270a devoted to the memory of Ian Platt who was a good friend of ours and a wonderfully talented photographer. He collected every possible accolade and honour and distinction you can think and more. 

To read this Obituary click HERE

Monday, 2 November 2020

PAGB News No.268

 Click HERE to read it.

Please take special care to read about Ian Platt's death and what the PAGB is going to do to remember all his amazing achievements.

Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

PAGB News No. 266

 A new newsletter number 266 is now available by clicking HERE

Friday, 11 September 2020

New photographic exhibition at Five Rivers Health & Wellbeing Centre

Click HERE

A new photographic exhibition by local photographer David Walker has just opened at the Five Rivers Health & Wellbeing Centre. Showing street scenes and street art from London, Berlin and New York, the work is both fascinating and sometimes amusing, full of colour and imagination.

David Walker commented, “ I do hope that people come and see this exhibition, it shows a rich mixture of cultures. I have always been fascinated by how street art has now become the everyday background to people’s working and leisure lives particularly in major cities”

The exhibition is now on and runs through to September 29th

David has a web site HERE

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Pagb News No. 265

 Here is the latest NEWS from the PAGB.

With the launch of a new Online Mentoring scheme.

Click HERE to read about the scheme and lots of other goodies.

DIG Zoom talk 'The Water's Edge', Tony Worobiec 5 September 2020



DIG Southern DIG Zoom meeting  

‘The Water’s Edge - a Celebration of the British Coast Line’ 

16.00 hours on 5th September. 

Booking closes noon 3rd September.  

Free to DIG members £2 all others.   

If you register and miss the transmission a recording is 

planned and we hope to send a link after the event. 

All welcome. Booking on line - the link is:-


Best wishes. 


Barry Senior Hon FRPS 

DIG Southern Organizer

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

D S White Archive

 A set of D. S. White's photographs are now available HERE

Friday, 14 August 2020

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Photography Workshops

Maria Falconer FRPS & Prof. Paul Hill MBE

A series of Workshops have been arranged by Maria and Paul. We know Paul quite well. He was one of our earliest influencers. We went to his home in Derbyshire on courses. He came with us to the USA. Here he assisted the then-current RPS President, who also was with us, to set up an RPS Chapter in California. We then visited the Yosemite Valley. One of the best photogenic places you can visit especially in Autumn.
    I remember Paul telling Sheila, when staring at the magnificent sight of the Yosemite cliffs, do not try and copy Ansel Adams. Instead, take your own original arrangements. Easier said than done.
Paul is a good teacher. Maria, we do not know but her web site shows great versatility and originality,

Click HERE to find out more details.

Friday, 31 July 2020

PAGB News No. 263

Click HERE to read. Tom Dodd has an article. He is one of the great photographers in the UK.

Monday, 20 July 2020

Sunday, 12 July 2020


Click HERE to read.
Our great friend Leigh Preston has a super article.

Saturday, 11 July 2020

Joe Houghton Zoom talk 16 July

Basingstoke Camera Club is having the photographer Joe Houghton give a virtual talk over Zoom on Thursday 16th July at 7:30 pm. We are inviting 40 members of other local camera clubs to join us. Feel free to forward this email to your members. There are 40 tickets available at £3.00 each, should your members wish to join the session. Tickets are available on a first come first served basis and can be purchased here: Once you have paid for the ticket, you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the ‘go to online event page’ button in order to see the zoom link and password so you can join the session.­ We will check that you are on our guest list in order to dodge party crashers. Check-in is between 7:15 and 7:30 for a prompt 7:30 start. You may need to wait a few minutes before you are able to enter the meeting room, but someone will check you in as soon as possible. Please ensure that the name on your Zoom account matches the name on your booking reference. Any question, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Kind regards, Sabine Tillie-Davidson LRPS Programme Secretary Basingstoke Camera Club

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

‘Sights of Wonder: Photographs from the 1862 Royal Tour’

‘Sights of Wonder: Photographs from the 1862 Royal Tour’

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Barber Institute of Fine Arts’ first online exhibition. We realise that most of your members have joined your club or society primarily because they are interested in creating their own high-quality images. 

We thought, however, that they may be interested in this particular exhibition of breath-taking photographs from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle, from the collections of Her Majesty the Queen. And if you agree, we would be very grateful indeed if you would circulate this link to the exhibition to your members:

Sunday, 14 June 2020

PAGB News No.259

Click here to see issue Number 259 and number 259 Extra

Monday, 8 June 2020

Alabaré Photography Competition

Alabaré is a Salisbury based charity supporting the homeless including homeless veterans. The lockdown has had a major impact on the charity at a time when the support to the homeless increased while fundraising almost stopped. I have been an Alabaré Ambassador since Nov 19 and to support the charity I instigated a fundraising photography competition. Tony Oliver has been most helpful in giving freely his experiences of various photography competitions in order that I could help steer the fundraising team at Alabaré.  I am pleased to announce that the Alabaré 2020 Photography Competition has now been launched. There is a full advertising programme being developed and as part of that I have taken on spreading the word among the various photographic clubs. If you have any advice on how this is best achieved please do let me know.
CLICK to enlarge

Virtual talk via Zoom by Glyn Dewis

Basingstoke Camera Club is having the portrait photographer Glyn Dewis give a virtual talk over Zoom on Thursday 18th June at 7:30 pm. We are inviting 40 members of other local camera clubs to join us.
There are 40 tickets available at £3.00 each, should your members wish to join the session.
Tickets are available on a first come first served basis and can be purchased here:
Once you have paid for the ticket, you will receive a confirmation email. Click on the ‘go to online event page’ button in order to see the zoom link and password so you can join the session
We will check that you are on our guest list in order to dodge party crashers. Check-in is between 7:15 and 7:30 for a prompt 7:30 start. You may need to wait a few minutes before you are able to enter the meeting room, but someone will check you in as soon as possible. Please ensure that the name on your Zoom account matches the name on your booking reference.
Any question, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Kind regards,

Sabine Tillie-Davidson LRPS
Programme Secretary Basingstoke Camera Club

Sunday, 31 May 2020

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Salisbury Camera Club News May 2020

Salisbury Camera Club Newsletter, May 2020

Lockdown Beauty PJW
Dear Members and Friends,

We trust that you and your families have remained safe and well since the lockdown began. Life has certainly been different for us all.
This Newsletter on behalf of the Club Committee is an attempt to reconnect with you and to try to look forward to future activities in the Club. Many of you have been keeping active photographically via Flickr groups and I am sure that when we eventually meet again we shall see and hear how other photographic interests have been kept alive.
Monday, May 18th was planned as the AGM to conclude the 2019-2020 season. The AGM will now be held at our first meeting together in September, assuming that a physical meeting is possible by then. Full details, including an agenda, will be circulated when the situation becomes clearer. Below is a summary of the competitions and Trophy winners which were concluded before the premature end of the season.

Club Trophy “Art or Anarchy” Richard Ramsay
Wiltshire Trophy “Avebury Landscape” Richard Ramsay
Etchells Portrait Vase “The Green Man” Ian Porter
D S White Trophy “Listening, The Main Attraction & Pink Bridle” Tony O’Reilly
John Burke (bi monthly gold prints) Richard Ramsay 23 points
(Paul Rigg 17 points
John Barton 15 points)
Sloane Stanley (bi-monthly silver prints) David Miesner 18 points
(Louise Topp 16 points
Jeremy Court 15 points)
Chaplin Bowl (bi monthly gold PDI’s) Tony Oliver 26 points
(Shaun Duke 24 points
Richard Ramsey 21 points)
George Sanger (bi monthly silver PDI’s) Louise Topp 18 points
(Fiona Slay and Stuart Kidd 15 points
John Hart and Jeremy Court 14 points)
 Congratulation to all the winners. Thank you to everyone who entered the various competitions, which helped everyone to see a wide range of excellent images.

We should like to try an online club meeting during the summer. Many of you will have kept in touch with family and friends online in one way or another. We propose to use Zoom. Many of you may have used Zoom either for official work meetings or for meetings with family and friends. Further information from other SCPF Clubs using Zoom for meetings and for competitions together with a note regarding earlier security concerns is posted on the SCPF News section of our website in the SCPF May Newsletter. Scroll down towards the end of this newsletter and there are a number of articles under the heading ZOOM. We propose that the meeting should last no more than 45 minutes (the time limit for a free to hosts Zoom meeting).

The meeting will cover a chance for us to see and greet each other again, an outline of possible next steps for club meetings in the light of the external situation, perhaps a selection from favourites from the Club’s Flickr sites and a chance to comment on them, plus, time permitting a short presentation from Tony Oliver (Subject yet to be decided)
The meeting will take place during the summer and further details about how to join the meeting and the exact topics will be circulated later. You may, of course, have views or questions of your own for the meeting, which should be sent to Richard Temlett as Secretary.

As a perhaps topical summer photographic challenge, you might like to consider the subject “Emerging from Lockdown”. Entries to be submitted at the start of next season, Up to 3 PDI’s per member in the usual format. Images taken between April 2020 and the date finally required for entry.

Just to let you know what the Committee is doing, we will be having a Zoom meeting on the 4TH of June.

Stay Safe. Enjoy your photography.
With best wishes to you all,
Peter Woodhouse,
Chairman, Salisbury Camera Club, on behalf of the Committee.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Monday, 11 May 2020

Friday, 1 May 2020

PAGB News No 255 and 255 Extra

Click on the Links HERE 
and THERE [link wrong at present]
To see these news items.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

PAGB News Extra no. 253a

A whole issue devoted to just one married couple who have been very prominent for over ten years in the world of camera club photography.
They use only the simplest ways in Photoshop. So early versions of this program will do the same. They show what can be achieved consistently of a long period.
So read this Extra edition of the PAGB News and enjoy the imagery.
PS Gwen and Phil have asked me [Rod] to include their new e-mail address.  If you already have it listed, please update your directory.

Friday, 10 April 2020

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

UK Club Photography

This site has been set up to help in our new off season.
You can see many of these ideas on the Facebook page “UK Club Photography”, take a look and see what you may be able to manage for your own club.
I hope this works for you.

PAGB News No. 251

Click HERE to read the news.

Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Herbert Ponting events


Film show at St John's Place, Lower Bemerton
The Civic Society and the Bemerton Film Society will be showing The Great White Silence, filmed by Ponting, on March 18th. He recorded almost every aspect of the 1910 expedition – the scientific work, life in camp, the local wildlife, the preparations for the assault on the Pole – and edited his footage into this remarkable feature, complete with vivid tinting and toning. The alien beauty of the landscape is brought dramatically to life and the challenges facing the expedition revealed in brilliant detail.

For this event there is one admission charge of £6 for all - payment at the door. Non-alcoholic beverages will be available at 50p, or a glass of wine for £2.
The doors will open at 6.00pm, with the film starting at 6.30, and ending at about 8.25. Some parking is available opposite the church, in the small car park and on the road. The address is Lower Road, Bemerton, Salisbury SP2 9NT.

Plaque unveiling

The plaque to Herbert Ponting will be unveiled at 4pm on Saturday March 21st, at the location of his birthplace, 21 Oatmeal Row in Salisbury Market Place. The unveiling will be carried out by Wendy Searle, who recently completed a solo expedition to ski unaided, dragging a sledge carrying her supplies and tent, over 700 miles from the Antarctic coast to the South Pole. It will be followed by tea. All are welcome at the unveiling but there are limited places for tea, which will be allocated on a first come first served basis. If you would like to attend, please contact Janet Patch, 01722 330096,

‘Introduction to Photography’ course for FREE

This site may be use to you. Check it out.
Karl Taylor Education free photography course:

PAGB News 225

Click HERE to open it.

PAGB News 244

Read it all HERE

And in addition read the News EXTRA HERE

Monday, 9 March 2020

PAGB News No. 250 and 250 Extra

Click HERE to read 250

Note our position in the GB CUP FOR SMALL CLUBS 2020 – TOP 20.

Sunday, 1 March 2020

Self Portraits or Selfies

Self portraits are as old as photography. Selfies are a newer version? 

  • But for innovative Self Portraits you can scarcely find better than those of Juno Calypso  or  Brooke Shaden or Polly Penrose or Natalie Krick These you see are all women. I first came across such people at Messums gallery. I took a U3A group there last year. Richard, David and Terry came with us. We do not actually want to emulate their styles but the ingenuity and enterprise is praiseworthy.
  • There seem to be few men who do self portraits. But I have come upon an Interesting Collection by several male photographers that could be worth pursuing.

PAGB News No. 249 and 249 Extra

Click here to download Issue 249 of the PAGB News.
For the EXTRA edition click HERE instead

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

The Photography Show 14-17 March

The RPS are returning to The Photography Show, co-located once again with The Video Show. The event offers everything you need to take your photography to the next level. Head to the NEC, Birmingham between 14 and 17 March for hundreds of exciting talks and live demos, practical masterclasses offering invaluable insights, and the latest kit at exclusive show prices.

The Photography Show have very kindly offered Royal Photographic Society members an exclusive discount

20% off tickets for RPS members*

To take advantage of this offer, please enter RPSTPS20 when booking online
Buy Tickets
Or if you’re a professional photographer or a member of photography trade, you can register for free entry here**

Our Distinctions team will be at NEC on 14th and 15th March to give exclusive 1:1s about your photography. Spaces are limited so please book via our website.

Drop by stand G32 and visit the RPS at the show - we look forward to seeing you there.

Kind regards,
The Royal Photographic Society and The Photography Show

Monday, 17 February 2020

RPS Digital Group Talk 5th April 2020

Click on Advert to enlarge
10.30 am to 4.00 pm

Kevin will show his Visual Art FRPS panel, and his various cancer coping photographic projects, including his 'Flowers in Ice' series.
Margery will show her wildlife images from the Falklands, Florida, Canada and the UK, plus images from her 'Photographic Art' projects.

As usual with our print talks there will be an opportunity to view the prints at close range,

All welcome:  DIG Members £9, RPS Members £10, Non-Members £12

Booking On-Line:  This link will take you to the event page.

Advanced Booking Recommended

Tea and Coffee available
Bring a packed Lunch

Friday, 14 February 2020

Thursday, 13 February 2020

Broughton Talks. Wednesday March 18th. 8pm. Broughton Village Hall SO20 8AX

Words and images: Bob Cramp, commercial photographer
“Old Photographers Never Die, they just lose their focus”

Bob Cramp was in the right place at the right time – London was a cultural hotbed throughout the early time of his career in the 1970s as a commercial photographer. Although not well known to the general public, he has created many iconic brand images, as well as one particularly famous political one ,  the “Labour isn’t working” poster of 1979.
Follow the trials, tribulations and ultimate triumph of Bob’s career from the start of everyday use of colour in advertising photography in 1969, until 1983, when research and globalisation started to change the creative process, before the dawn of mobile phones, computers and the digital revolution.

All are welcome. No need to book. Entry £5, to include a drink. Full time students free.

Monday, 3 February 2020

Thursday, 30 January 2020

Digital Photography Seminar - Wed 26th February 2020

Would you like to get more out of your Camera or Smart Phone?

Whether or not you have a Web site to look after, this seminar will help you enjoy your photography more.

The seminar is free, starts at 10:30am and lasts about 90 minutes.

It is ideal for anyone involved with a web site or an interest in photography

The topics covered include:
* Choosing a camera
* Composition
* Correcting faults
* Optimising for email or the Web
* Photos for e-commerce
* Lighting

We'll also run a quick check to see if YOUR web site has large image files which can affect your position in Google and put off users.

Book online:
or by phone: 01747 858000

Our office is located about half way between Salisbury and Shaftesbury, just off the A30.
Directions can be found at with a map at

If you have any questions, or would like to see anything particular included, please call me direct on 01747 858007.

If you know someone else who would benefit from attending, please pass on the seminar details.
I look forward to seeing you soon,

CHRIS STANBURY (Managing Director)
Direct: 01747 858007
Twitter: Cravenplan_UK

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Beauty of Nature Exhibition 3 to 26 to Feb Gallery 4

I would like to invite you and the members of camera club to my exhibition.
I gave invitation card and some flyers to a members of the club in the Library.
I enjoyed the SCC Exhibition.

Kind Regards
Eva Kocsis

Thursday, 23 January 2020

Stonehenge Circle Visit & Photography Exhibition

Experience Stonehenge close up with our exclusive Members Event.
English Heritage archaeologist Susan Greaney will take a small group of SCC Members into the stone circle at dawn for a guided tour of the monument. On return to the visitor centre, you will enjoy a private view of Your Stonehenge – 150 Years of Personal Photos – the new special exhibition at Stonehenge. Created entirely from photos sent in by visitors, this exhibition offers a fascinating glimpse of the recent social history of Stonehenge. These snapshots from family albums as early as 1875, chart the changing of fashions, poses, photography and the way that the monument itself has altered.
Wednesday 4 March 2020.
7am – 9am
Members must provide their own transport to and from Stonehenge

Also this English Heritage site is worth more than a cursory look.

Participants should park in the visitor car park on the right hand side as you go through the gate and then walk the short distance to the visitor centre where I will meet them. We will take a bus from the visitor centre to the stones. The key thing is for people to dress warmly and wear sensible shoes. It’s cold and damp at the monument at that time in the morning. We’ll go ahead regardless of the weather so waterproofs and umbrellas are a good idea if it’s forecast to be raining. If anyone has any access requirements it would be good to be aware of them but we are an accessible site so it shouldn’t present any difficulty to accommodate them.

I will be there on behalf of Stonehenge as well as my colleagues Susan and Mel who are giving the tour.

Jane Thomas

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Knoll Gardens – Fridays 12 June and 11 September 2020

Group photography days at Knoll Gardens – Fridays 12 June and 11 September 2020

It was a real pleasure to welcome camera clubs to Knoll Gardens in 2019. Our two free group photography days seem to now be looked forward to by many of you, so you will be delighted to know that we will run them again in 2020.

We will be hosting two ‘official’ camera club days this year and we have again changed the time of year for you so you can see the garden in a different light. 2020 photography days will be on 12 June and 11 September, both from 10am – 4pm. As before entry will be free of charge. I do hope your group will be able to come along to one of them, and as always it would be tremendously helpful if you could let me know in advance.

Over 70 events are taking place in the garden this year  including a beginners guide to photography and a macro workshop for beginners.  Our ‘lifestyle’ workshops also take in mosaic making, willow weaving and stone relief carving and we are  running a seasonal programme of garden walks and Masterclasses led by Neil. together with a range of wildlife walks and workshops hosted by the garden’s charity – the Knoll Gardens Foundation. It will be a busy year at Knoll! The full event list will soon be online so do take a look at for full details of other things you might like to attend. You may also be interested in having a look at our charity website – We recently installed a trailcam in the garden and we have some fun clips online as well as our image gallery and instagram link.

Our first 2020 newsletter will be published soon and I will drop a copy over to you so you have some more information. I do hope  you will be able to circulate it to your members.

Very best wishes and a Happy New Year to you and your group, I look forward to seeing you in the garden at Knoll this year.

Amanda Walker,

Knoll Gardens Foundation
01725 512200

Thursday, 16 January 2020

PAGB News No.246

Click HERE to read

Photography fans wanted for National TV advert

Dear Salisbury Camera Club,

My name is Katie, and I head up the TV casting team at Raw Research. We are currently looking for real families from every part of the UK to feature in a lovely ad campaign ... so are getting in touch with organisations, groups and clubs from Land's End to John o' Groats (and all over Northern Ireland too) and everywhere in-between! We want to really reflect the amazing mix of people found in the UK, and include families from every nook and cranny with a mix of ages, generations and accents. We're reaching out to you because we thought you might have gorgeous images you'd be interested in sharing.

For this project, our friends at a well-known DIY company will mark their 50th year in business with a moving tribute to the last 50 Years of UK life in and around the home and garden. They have asked us to find families from all over the UK who have loads of family photos and home videos from this time who might like to be in their next TV ad.

Are you from a family that always had a camera to hand? Is your attic filled with photo albums and home videos? We want to hear from you - please fill out this questionnaire and a member of our team will be in touch!

We are looking for about 70 families in total - and about 10 or so of these will be featured more heavily in the campaign (TV adverts plus some short online films). Of these 10, some may be invited to do some filming too, in their home or garden.

We want to include all the big family moments and moments that show time is passing - weddings, christenings, birthdays. first days at school, anniversaries, BBQs, picnics, parties and time in the garden. There’s no such thing as too many pictures or videos! We want families where you can see fashion and wallpaper change as you flip through the albums - we want to see flares, perms and wheelie shoes!

Fee information:

Hero Families (prominently featured) will be paid £5,000 per family, plus a £1,500 voucher from the brand. These fees will cover use of family photos / home videos in the campaign, plus potentially filming at home.

Please note - some families may be invited for filming in South Africa. There would be a further £2,000 fee per family (plus all flights / accommodation etc provided).

60 Families will be asked to appear in a smaller capacity - i.e. a short clip or picture. They will be given a £300 voucher from the brand.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions, and feel free to share this casting call information with anyone in your networks.

Thanks for reading!
Katie and Ciara (and the Raw Research Team) x

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Sunday, 12 January 2020

Shepton Mallet Snowdrop Festival Photographic Competition

The theme of the competition is Snowdrops or  Winter Landscape, (with or without Snowdrops)!

There are 3 age group classes all with cash prizes and it is only the adult class that we are charging £4 per photographer

It is difficult get the word out to the widest audience possible and I am therefore wondering if you could let your members know about it at one of your forthcoming meetings. I have attached a poster below.

James Allen of Shepton Mallet (1830 - 1906) was the first person to breed new snowdrop varieties from the wild plants and he is the inspiration for the Shepton Mallet Snowdrop Festival, now in its fourth year.

All the details of how to enter the competition are on the festival website,

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

107th Southampton International Exhibition of Photography

'Tis the season for Exhibitions. So here we have Southampton's entry.

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Chichester Camera Club advance members exhibition

 Chichester Camera Club advance members exhibition 
at North Mundham village hall PO20 1LA on 
Saturday and Sunday  18th & 19th January 2020.  
The exhibition is extremely varied both in prints and PDIs.
So here is notice of the 2 day show from Advanced workers of Chichester CC. Having been several times it is usually overwhelmingly superb. Loads of great ideas for your photography.

Sunday, 5 January 2020

Tony Oliver presented with Roll of Honour

At the Preview and Presentations Evening on 3rd January 2020 Tony Oliver was presented with his much deserved Roll of Honour much to his surprise.
The SCPF Exhibition is now open in the Library.

He was awarded for 15 years service to both Salisbury Camera Club and the SCPF, culminating in 2 years as President of the SCPF.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

PAGB News No 245

This is a good edition. Look particularly at Adrian Lions advert for very helpful site for Club Competition secretaries and members entering National competitions. They seem to be FREE offerings that we should take advantage of.